Avatar of Meiyuuhi
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 793 (0.21 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Meiyuuhi 6 yrs ago
    2. ███████ 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current The Imperium rises.
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6 yrs ago
Here we go again.
9 yrs ago
Is there a cure for wallowing in nostalgia?
9 yrs ago
Still can't decide whether I like Brazil or Russia more.


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Posted my Squad 6 character. We should be getting a few new ones over the next few days.
Name: Lunastri Gamma (nicknamed Luna)

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Species: Yllendyr (Dark Elf)

Appearance: (Height, build, facial structure, etc.) Fairly short by Dark Elf standards at around 153 cm, white hair, yellow-beige eyes and paler-than-usual skin, possibly half another type of elf

Titles: Lieutenant of Squad 6

Background: Lunastri's mother, her only biological parent she knows of, died shortly after she was born. She was given along with her mother's possessions to an orphanage in the slums of Hrothgrad's capital of , where she was raised. With no real shot at higher education and no special skills to speak of, she joined the Imperial Army at age 30 upon her discharge from the orphanage. She has served in the 27th Auxiliary Legion for five years, and slowly worked her way up to lieutenant of the squad.

Personality: Lunastri is a very strong, natural leader. She has a tendency to charge headlong into the face of danger, but at the same time, knows when victory is impossible. She's probably among the most low-class of Dark Elves, and has very little elitism or discrimination against other races or individuals stemming from that, seeing it as rather petty when they live similar lives. She has a boundless curiosity, which occasionally gets her into trouble.

Likes: Animals, jewelry, kind people, children

Dislikes: intolerance, ignorance, spicy food, especially loud noises

Strengths: A piercing intellect and sharp responses to tactical situations.

Weaknesses: Unlike the majority of Dark Elves, possesses no use of magic. Likely the reason for her abandonment as a child.

Special Clothing/Tools/Equipment: An old, ornately designed revolver, reportedly left behind by her mother when she died, an ocarina, which she enjoys playing when bored, and a small ivory crescent moon necklace.
Put the official RP up. Anyone who was interested here is welcome to come post over there!

A small note to potential players that the sheet for my nation, New Gaila is a bit outdated and incomplete, in case anyone is playing as someone from there :P

Oh, did you need me to copy info from the up-to-date copy?
Hi, this is the OOC thread for The Fading Light of V'landriel! Please post here if you have any questions, comments, or are interested at all and would like to join!



A long time ago, a golden age prevailed in the world of V’landriel. Adventurers traveled across the realms, and from them arose great heroes. Mighty and ancient races clashed on the battlefield, elves and dwarves, humans and orcs, halflings and ogres alike. Brotherhoods were forged, and many quests for the destiny of kings and peoples were undertaken. All who lived in this time knew it was an age of glory. Honour was found in arms and service as knights, in wizardry and mastery of powerful magicks, in communion with nature and spirits. Many names reside still in the books of lore of the great and mighty.

When a golden age such as that passes, when its luster begins to fade, how does the world move on? What, indeed, is the bravery of heroes worth in an age where it is set against the swift, cold, and merciless delivery of mechanized death?

Greetings and welcome to the world of V’landriel, your stereotypical generic high fantasy setting… taken seven hundred years in the future, taken to a grim, dark mockery of what it once resembled. Most of the known world is ruled by the Imperial Yllendyr Sovereignty, a jingoist, nationalist dark elf empire which has enslaved millions of individuals belonging to other, “inferior” races, with the remaining parts embattled in futile resistance. Is it possible to rekindle the dying light of a world descending inevitably into dystopia?

This RP will function as a dual/hybrid system of both nation and group/individual RP. I, as the controller of the Imperium, will essentially function as the canvas on which most of the RP takes place, and guide the RP’s major events and plotline. There will be a number of other people, already involved in the RP, also controlling regions or nations of the RP, and those people will be the effective GMs and arbiters of lore in those areas. Finally you, the new reader, are invited to join and enrich this world as either an individual or an organization anywhere within it, in consultation with the person managing that area. Feel free to let me know where you’re interested in.

Map and Lore:

This map represents the whole Northern Hemisphere of the world of V'landriel, the central stage for this RP's events.

So far, this RP has a work-in-progress comprehensive lore resource, the Encyclopedia of the World of V’landriel, which will be updated and filled to completion before the RP’s official start date. Take a look at the public copy here to get acquainted with the world:

Note: This document is a little intimidating, but it has an outline, please make sure you open it under the View tab. That makes navigating it considerably easier as you can instantly click to move to any particular nation of interest. I'm the only person who has to read all of it, if you're RPing, you probably only have to know about your particular region! If you're interested in just knowing a few good places to start rather than reading, either ask me in the OOC for suggestions or check out Avalia, Vaspen or the Imperium itself.

The Encyclopedia

Character Sign-Up Sheet:

Gender, if applicable:
Appearance (Height, build, facial structure, etc.):
Titles, if any:
Strengths (including magical ability, if any):
Special Equipment/Tools/Clothing:

Organization Sign-Up Sheet:

Type of Entity (religious group, revolutionary movement, corporation, etc.):

Note for Magic: This RP uses a slightly unique magic system essentially based around elemental magic.
Mages of each type can only manipulate the physical world in that element. There is also a fifth element of mage. Mind mages are able to access other creatures’ minds, and perform feats such as telepathy and vision through and control of animals and low-intelligence sentient beings such as goblins, etc. Each species will have an alignment towards one of the five elements, and that will be specified under each species or national data. The alignment means most individuals of that species that can use magic will be able to use that type of magic, but not all. Mages are a small proportion of the population, perhaps 1/1000 for most races and 1/250 for most elves (but elves have a higher proportion of mages with limited or little abilities). Finally, magic should not be extremely overpowered, as technology has more or less usurped its role in this universe.


1. Obvious stuff. No godmodding, no powerplaying (beyond a healthy interest in your character/organization's welfare), generally follow the spirit of the RP and be courteous to your fellow RPers.
2. Time. So time in this RP will pass at a fixed rate of one month per two IRL weeks, unless agreed upon to skip forward to the next month. This means the first two weeks are February, the third and fourth weeks are March, and so on. During the two-week intervals, however, you should be free to explore the events of that month on whatever pace you deem fit. You could talk about what happens on the 2nd and what happens on the 31st all in the same post. You are free to do as many flashbacks as you like as well to previous months. As long as it's consistent with your neighbors and people you're interacting with. The time is set that way to allow you freedom of creativity while still having a fixed passage that’s easy to understand. If you miss posts during a month, you’ll just have to catch up by posting about events during that month, but don’t expect people to change past events or posts to accomodate you.
3. Posting rate. Please follow the general rule of allowing two or three people to post before you before you post again for a second time. If you want to do dialogue back-and-forth, try to consult with the player and post the whole conversation as a co-op post.
4. Deal with the prospect of separatism, revolution, and the repressive government seriously. Your organization/individual should *not* simply be able to overthrow Imperial control in a single or a few posts or totally evade any sort of difficulty with them, there should be a duration of time that it takes to be able to overcome that kind of resistance.


If you've read this far, I greatly appreciate it and hope you'll sign up for this RP and help to build a very unique fantasy world along with our already dedicated group!

Major credit to Voltus_Ventus and Willy Vereb for ideas that went into the making of this RP.

There is a Discord for this RP, if you are interested, PM me or drop a message in the OOC and I'll PM you one. We conduct a great deal of our discussion there.
This is a LOT to get into by the looks of the compendium, but I have nothing but love in my heart for fellow lore nerds. I'd be interested in this.

Yup, the compendium is a lot, but I should definitely emphasize that for the purposes of individual or organization RP, the only thing that really matters is the Imperium as a whole and your immediate national surroundings. There's a lot of extra fluff on a lot of extra regions, most of it which you will probably never have to read unless you want to RP there.

And yes, we're all absolute nerds. PMed you a discord invite!
I'm actually working on a Half-Dark Elf (Or Half-Dusk Elf as his canon would call him), who'd both ways totally fit into this universe and not fit in. How would you feel about cross-dimensional shenanigans bringing him to this world? If not, I might be able to try adapting him to the setting, but there's certain things that are integral to his character that might have be altered or outright gotten rid of.

We can probably work something out, though after further consultation with the other RPers I feel like it would probably be a little out of place in the setting to have that sort of thing. I find personally it's better to create a new character to the setting rather than try to force-adapt one.

I felt that casual would attract more people. Plus I'm not that strict on amount of content for character RP.
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