Avatar of PPQ Purple
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 362 (0.28 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. PPQ Purple 4 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Nihilism is freedom. To be without purpose is to be free of the oppression of destiny. To be without cause is to be free to make your own. Woe to he who has an outside reason to be. For he is a slave.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Let's not go too far off the deep end. They do have to fit inside the box. And in spite of just how big this thing is, and it's big, it can actually be kind of cramped in here.
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3 yrs ago
I can agree to that compromise.
3 yrs ago
But life is empty. Always has been and always will be. It's just a way to pass the time until you die and vanish forever into blissful oblivion. So like don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
3 yrs ago
Of course not. But you can't consistently get it out of human writers either. That's why you read all the millions of manuscripts sent to you by would be Tolstoys and Tolkiens and pick the good stuff.


Long ago in the distant past there was only color. Color to be loved, to be hated, color to please thoughts and corrupt minds. Color to color but newer shape. And than one day everything changed. We do not speak of this event nor of the times thereafter. For they were dark times when color took shape and shape rejected color. To this day the two remain separate, ever touching but newer becoming one. With one exception.

What you see before you is the purple cube of the cosmos. The merger of shape and color and ultimate avatar of the color purple in its physical form. Its N-dimensional form exists beyond your comprehension leaving but a shadow in the form of a cube for you to perceive. A cube with right angles and yet no sharp edges.

It's guardian, a being of it and yet distinct from it and one with it all at the same time dwells within. Or perhaps they dwell together, or just dwell. The later is most certainly true these days a the cube orbits earth having after an eternity in space discovered the internet and its endless supply of cat videos. Now the two orbit hungrily in search of satellites to consume so as to feed its insatiable hunger for cute.

Special notice:
I will not be joining or starting any new games on this forum. I am only sticking around for the one I am already in.
If I have a moment of weakness and apply or show interest for a game please reject me and remind me of this pledge.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by AtomicNut>

Thank you for notifying us of your decision. I hope RL eases up on you. Trust me, I've been there. Your always welcome back if you so choose.

<Snipped quote by PPQ Purple>

As far as I can tell, it's somewhat normal.

Wow, this is even worse than I thought. Back in my old haunts it was basically unheard of for someone to drop out unless they died or something. Between that and the average posting speed here I seriously need to find a different site to move to.

No offense meant to any of you personally. But like if you have any recommendations I am open.
Dam. Two down already and we aren't even at the end of the first season. That's depressive.
Is that sort of thing normal for games on this site?
Dam it. I know what I could post but it's just too soon in her character arc for her to be reactivating.
Alright, fine, since nobody else will I'll do something. I guess. I'll try.
And yea, no fighting now. Someone else take the lead. Seriously.
Kill them immediately, got it.

I could do with a good killing. Sure. I'll read the post once I am off from work today and than I'll see about starting a fight.
I know exactly how to proceed with my character. Sadly in my case that means tag along and slowly process PTSD until such a point where I am forced to do something, someone attacks us or I figure out a way to blow the planet in two. So unfortunately that is incompatible with me taking charge.

But I agree that I too can't really see the next move. Like we don't really have an sort of concrete objective other than "information", what ever that is, and no clear direction on how to get it. All we have is an admittedly cool set piece that we can't really do much with.

In fact, I foresaw something like this could happen which is why my original plan was to beat someone up until the GM can use whats left of his mouth to dump some directions on us. Of course, that plan is probably not the best idea given the current numerical situation.
<Snipped quote by Chev>

Damn. I'm sorry to see him go. I was looking forward to seeing Maize and Eve develop a master/student relationship.

Same here. I was really getting a little sister vibe from that girl. Like I was looking forward to some down time filler to get to teach her about makeup and dresses and manipulating boys.
I wonder what happened to NacNak...
Literally. Like, I hate. I even hate to hate when I hatefully hate the hate in a way most hatefully hated by those whom hate, referred to henceforth as haters.

So why, may you ask, do I post this? Why do I post this statement of hate? Well truth is I just felt inspired, thanks to a meeting at work that was late. So I decided to hate.

And now that hatred is posted, will hatred pass and peace be restored? Perhaps, or maybe it won't be. But what ever happens at least I ain't bored.
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