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Don't worry about it! I'm contemplating making a post today either before or after my final.

Edit: It seems fate had other plans for me. I'll just wait until we move forward to post.

Everett's dark eyes strained as they surveyed the damages and took a headcount. Roughly every cradle in the room was now vacant at this point, and in a daze, the former occupants were now scattered about the room. They were there, nonetheless. Six people total, all in their youth. He counted them in the order which they had awoken: the fearful boy, the curious girl, the struggling girl, then Everett himself, the tall boy, and the timid girl. Another chill went up Everett's spine. He swore something wrong to this moment; this did not sit quite right with him. Why did they all have some sort of amnesia? The 18-year-old's boots made very solid steps against the floor while he took measured paces around the room.

Everett nodded his head thoughtfully to what the youngest boy had said. "Yes, it seems that something went wrong, but I've got no clue what." Everett confirmed what was likely on everyone's mind — or what should have been, if they were all in the right state. He paced some more, and he pondered the situation. There was a small gap of silence before Everett said anything else.

"Daresso, right?" He reached for the former's hand and gave a firm, warm handshake. "You can call me Everett." He brought himself to face the rest of the group and brought it upon himself to get acquainted with everyone. "Well, an introduction is in order. Hello, everyone. I'm Everett." He gave a curt bow. "And you all are?"
I say we give it a go. It might get messy if we have too many people working on one document though.
Whew. Finally done.

A pact, forged in chaos. A memory, isolated in spirit.

As the young man discovered lead limbs and droopy eyelids, heavy as a midday nap. Coming to life again was a difficult task, a limbo between that dormancy which used to dominate and the activity which now came to fruition. The old world was long and lost by the time he chose to wake, and he felt the need to build new bearings from its ashes. So, he spun a thread of new knowledge from the ruins of his mind — the name, fashioned for him; the memory, filled with awe; the date, renewed by birth. In this, his name, Everett Prachter, came from the void, and Everett, born on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, remembered the pact of days gone by. The covenant which the voice implored Everett to fulfill now drew him to a state of awareness. The flow of life had resumed with an awful chill in his spine, and Everett sat upright without hurry in his cradle.

The 18-year-old eyed a fair-skinned, willowy girl while she had paced gently, oh, curiously across the dim chamber. He carefully stepped from his cradle, with which his hands could interface like an unused but unforgotten skill. And his aching muscles piloted a functioning body once more, and he took his time to silently make his way to the girl as he overcame the pains of ages of slumber. At the same moment, Everett's dark eyes traced the corners of the room, and he saw the other containment devices, with the now warm bodies inside. Others were awakening in their capsules just as Everett and the girl had. A clap to the hard floor spooked Everett. He jumped, his eyes darting to a fast movement in the chamber. Another girl had fallen, disoriented, from a capsule in the room. The realization slowed his breathing to normal again.

"Are you quite alright?" he asked the dazed one with concern in his voice. Everett then glanced at other girl, who seemed better aligned at the moment, and he stood more upright. "It seems we are awake now."
Does this mean we're good to go? :')
@RyuShura: Yeah... I got a question for ya right here.

(jk i love you and i'm excited for this)
I'm interested.
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