Avatar of sakurasan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3584 (1.15 / day)
  • VMs: 12
  • Username history
    1. sakurasan 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current hamilton and heathers




i am a being that will n✿t stand f✿r
cl✿wns and/✿r masc✿ts

Even with this user name I
am a male and scifi/casual/romance/fantasy roleplayer


Most Recent Posts

Restore Honor

Yuki is of the Masamune clan, a long line of respected Samurai and swordsmiths. Her grandfather's apprentice forged a blade that was deemed unholy. It was hidden away in hopes that none would find it and use it to bring darkness upon them. Her father, Sato, stole the blade, and abandoned his post as general. It was rumored that he had intentions of overthrowing the emperor. But he disappeared, and with it came whispers of his family and life at home. Yuki, who had been trained in the shadow of her grandfather in the art of Bushido, vowed that she would vanquish the rumors that plagued them, and her grandfather forged her a blade. Light and deadly sharp. She set out to find her father and bring back the cursed blade to the shrine that had housed it's evil.

Throwing in my tentative interest!
@Mae yay!
@LittleBird I'll be sure to get all my characters up by the end of this week :)
OPen! I'm interested in more slice of life right now. Already have a medival 1x1. : D
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