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Who is up for posting next?

I am in the process of writing, but I will only be able to post tomorrow at best...

Your post really reminds me of this...


Seeing as I did logo's for everyone else, here are yours. Use them...dont use them...it's cool either way

Thanks man, thank you very much! I will definitely use it!

Anyway, here's the next chapter in Kirill's fun time in Afghanistan.

Kirill Gusakov

Kirill felt pleased with Thomas's secure grip – a sign of a strong man. Thomas from the Philippines, he said. Kirill wasn't surprised in the least, afterall, the White Masks were a borderless problem, so they would require an international solution.

He started answering Kirill’s open-ended question. “There are many things to consider...” With his full attention on the Filipino, Kirill hadn't noticed the man who had approached them, or more precisely, Thomas specifically. It was the veteran Rainbow operator Franklin Edwards, also known as Sonar, one of the operators Thatcher told them to pay special attention to. Without holding back, he ran two fingers across Thomas's face, scooping up some of the cam-cream he had applied and light-heartedly scolded him for using it. Kirill raised an eyebrow. While it was light-hearted and was aimed at Thomas, it felt like Kirill was the one who was offended. "Precious cam-cream? I could get a tube for less than 3 euros. Looks like someone doesn't know the meaning of words like deficit item or toilet paper shortages." he thought. Why toilet paper? Even Kirill didn't know, maybe something to do with his days the army.

Post-Soviet mentality aside, Kirill didn't like seeing Thomas's personal space getting invaded so easily, rather hypocritical of someone like him, he knew. Besides, they weren't rookie privates who had to follow the uniform guideline to the letter. They were operators who had the freedom to choose whatever they wanted to use if it would help them and there was a good reason for that freedom. Seemingly to spare Thomas from further embarrassment in front of the operators who were arriving, Franklin left them to just be approached by Jessica, another veteran member, who asked him if they would be using M16's for today. He acknowledged that. “Well, there goes the idea of using the Maschinenpistole” Kirill had no problem with using other weapons, but he didn't see the M16 system as the best CQB choice there was. This encounter also gave Kirill a first impression of Franklin. In his eyes, he was a clear image of what a leader should be. He wouldn’t be surprised to see him as a squad leader.

Thomas was left a little bit bewildered, but just shrugged it off. "No crying over spilled milk." he said. Kirill didn't take it as sign of weakness, but as a sign of strong will.

Thomas first pointed their attention towards the interactions of every operator in the room, mentioning their many differences and expressing doubts of their ability to work in a cohesive group. Then, with a wave of his hand, he redirected their attention towards the building and talked about it's possible entry and breaching points and their importance. As a breacher himself, Kirill couldn't find him agreeing with Thomas more. Also knowing the layout of the building and other info would be critical. Thomas then proceeded to give Kirill the Rainbow report that he had already acquainted himself with back when he met Six. Thomas reminded him of what danger the White Masks would be. They were similar, yet, much unlike the Taliban and the mafia that Kirill found himself combating earlier. He would probably find himself dusting off his old knowledge and experience from Afghanistan to combat them, no matter how much he wanted to bury it.

”What about you, any thoughts? Anything to add that I might have missed?” a smirk found itself on Thomas's face "Even if it’s about the Cam-cream feel free..."

Kirill smiled back to Thomas as he used his index finger to pull up a portion of his balaclava from his neck, revealing it's white skull. This balaclava was a gift from his comrades at Aitvaras back in Afghanistan. After pulling the portion back down into its former position, Kirill began talking: "You just mentioned everything we can gather about the building for now. We will have to know the objective and get more information before we could proceed doing any further planning."

"We'll probably be briefed about the layout of the structure, if not then we should be given time for recon. If even that won't be the case and we'll have to go in blind, which I wouldn't like, I think everyone here has a trick up their sleeve to help the team. That’s why we're all here in Rainbow. Under the correct circumstances and if we know everything we need, we should be able to clear this construction in less than three minutes. That would be my estimate."

"You're also right about everyone here being different. For example, a law enforcement officer and a soldier is trained to use different tactics and has a different mentality. Not mentioning the many cultural and religious differences that affects how everyone here works.” Kirill paused for a moment, lost in thought. “Naturally, every person also has a different personality. So I have to say that you shouldn’t expect us to work like clockwork during this mission. But hey, that's the point of these exercises. They are not here to improve our brute strength or our shooting precision, they are around 70 percent based on testing and improving how well can we use our heads and be able to work in a team during high-stress situations. Especially if the team is made up with operators from different backgrounds like ours is."

"We'll make it. I have no doubts about that. But the question is can we do it without sustaining any casualties?" He handed the report back to Thomas. "Because I also think that after Bellagio, Rainbow will definitely cook up some catch for us right here."

After sighting for a bit, Kirill said: "You said that we have to get to know each other right now, right? How about we start with the old guard to break the ice. Thatcher said that we should pay attention to everything they say." While he said that, Kirill began moving backwards, swiftly turning around and moving towards Vue and Sonar who were walking further away from Kirill and Thomas.

"Jessica and Franklin, correct? I am Kirill Gusakov from Latvia's Criminal Police. Pleased to meet you and be in your care." Just like with Thomas, Kirill invited them to a handshake with his right hand, starting with Jessica.

@Liotrent@Lady Selune@LetMeDoStuff
Made this in my spare time to flesh out the character and improve my writing skills.

Do we have a Discord?

Kirill Gusakov

Lielvarde Military Airfield, Keguma County, Latvia

It was so early that the sun hadn't begun rising. The silence of night had attracted thousands of cricket chirps that filled the area around the airfield, but that soon changed with the loud sound of a landing jet. The Lielvarde Military Airfield was just an hour’s drive away from Riga. This is where the Latvian Air Force was stationed. The airfield was rather small compared to other Baltic military airfields and had only had one lane for taking off and landing. The only aircraft present were some Latvian Mi-17s, American Blackhawks and Chinooks, two polish Mig-29s and a couple of Hungarian Gripens, not mentioning the black jet that had just landed and was taxiing into the hangar where Kirill was.

Kirill stood there in his black uniform wearing a green beret. On his right shoulder he had slung over a large duffle bag that contained his personal items and in his left hand he held a black hard shell case that contained his weapons. Next to him was his commander. He was one of the few original Omega members left and was a man that Kirill had grown to have a lot of respect for.

"I guess this is where we part for now, Gusakov." The commander said, as they were looking at the jet. Although the commander had signed the papers that allowed Kirill to join Rainbow, as per instruction from above, it was Kirill who knew more about who he was going to work for now, despite their difference in rank and authority. Putting down his items, Kirill turned to his commander and saluted him. "Gods kalpot Latvijai un Omegai!" Kirill shouted as the commander saluted him back. After lowering their arms, they shook hands and exchanged smiles. Having picked up his items, Kirill steadily went towards the plane. "Make your country proud!" Shouted the commander as Kirill walked further away from him. A small smirk appeared on Kirill’s face. "I will sir, I will." He whispered to himself.

Kirill was already sitting in the plane's warm cabin. Its crew was in the process of preparing for taking off. Kirill asked the pilot who was passing him: "Excuse me, where are we going again?" "England, sir." The pilot stopped and looked at Kirill. "Ah, thank you." Kirill nodded and the pilot continued going toward the cockpit.

"It won't be a long flight then." Kirill thought to himself. After the pilot spoke with the tower, they began moving towards the runway. After the plane took off, Kirill took a hard long look through the window at the Latvian soil illuminated by the rising morning sun. He understood that he won't be able to see this view for some time now.

Hereford Base, England

When Kirill got out of the truck, he stood tall. The reception wasn't something to go write home about, even if Kirill didn't take Thatcher’s speech to heart. He has been through less welcoming welcomes. He was more worried that he had seen only seen unfamiliar faces; some of the operators were much older than him, others - younger. But he understood that all of them were the global elite and were just as good as him - if not more. But the whole atmosphere was off, it was clear that many people weren't even interested in greeting each other. Because of that Kirill just took his envelope and went to the Eastern Wing. There was clearly going to be a division between the newcomers and the veterans for some time now.

He chuckled to himself when he saw his new nom de guerre: "Pravda". He got the reference, but the Latvian newspaper was called "Cīņa", however, he was sure that they wouldn't be able to spell it correctly anyway.

When he opened his door, his eyes were wide open. The place was pretty much an apartment. Hell, one could almost forget that he were at one of the most well-defended and secretive facilities in the world. It was very well equipped for what it was. There was a bathroom, a kitchen with a fully stocked fridge that Kirill found himself checking before everything else, desk with a computer and enough free workspace put more stuff there, two steel cupboards, a TV, a single bed. But Kirill was even more surprised to see that there was enough floor space for him to freely move around the room.

He took off his boots and placed his stuff next to his bed, sat down on it and thought to himself for a second. Afterwards, he began unpacking his stuff out of the bag and settling into the room. He turned on the TV and put it on BBC worldwide, hoping that the TV licence was paid for. He put his own Toughbook next to the provided computer and a couple of files that were given to him by Six previously on the table - his reading materials for the night. As the heavy rain poured down outside, he took a shower and got into his leisure wear for the rest of the night.


Kirill jolted awake in the bed and looked around the room, sweat rolling down his face. After calming down, he looked at his phone. It was two hours before his alarm would go off. Putting the phone down, Kirill looked at the ceiling for a while before getting up. After his regular morning warming-up routine, Kirill had a shower and made himself some breakfast with a cup of coffee.

At 6:00AM, Kirill heard knocking and yelling down the corridor: "Up and at 'em. Fifteen minutes to get your arse's to the South Wing before someone drags you there! Wear combat dressings. All equipment is in the armory within the South Wing. Grab your stuff when instructed and prepare. It's training time, lads and lasses."

"Show time..." Kirill thought to himself. He was already wearing his uniform, so it was a matter of just putting on the rest of the gear and fastening it down tightly. He walked out of his room wearing all of his gear, sans the mask that was rolled down on his neck and the helmet that he held in his left hand.

He walked over to the South Wing at a steady pace. When he arrived there, he saw a large one-story building and three men, two of talking. Just by glimpse at the building, Kirill knew: MP5 and flash grenades should be on his load out for today. Not wanting to interrupt them he went to the third guy, a Filipino, who was walking around looking at the large construction, making a plan in his head like Kirill was doing.

Standing behind him, Kirill put his right hand up behind Thomas and, after hesitating for a brief moment, tapped him on his left shoulder. "Good morning! Kirill, Latvia. But you should call me Pravda." Kirill said that as he lowered his arm for a handshake and waited for the man to introduce himself.

"Thoughts?" Kirill asked Thomas, pointing towards the kill-house with his head.

<Snipped quote by Sifter>

Question...what do you mean by he doesn't have a name yet? Is that like a way of saying "I haven't come up with one" or..?

Yes, I haven't got a name for him yet.
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