Avatar of Silver Carrot


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My character concept so far is a woman high-up in a tech company who's very serious and known for being a tough boss. But when she was a little girl she was the. Biggest. Magical Girl fan.

I'm still trying to settle on a powerset. Think I'm just going to focus on electricity but her outfit maybe includes a visor that's a magic computer that scans enemies and stuff
Would a broad powerset of 'electricity' allow a PC with both lightning-based magic AND technology at her disposal (a la Sailor Mercury or Maglumiere)?
Both good questions. I'm happy either way


Julia turned when she hear the door open again, and looked back with one eye just in case Remo had come back and she'd relaxed too soon. Nah, it was just an Heir, albeit a seemingly particularly important one, with a brightly colored dressed plus one. Julia quickly lost interest, and looked away. Heir's business was heir's business. E Street thrived by knowing when to keep their nose clean. Julia would never belong here. The Spire was her retirement reward. It was not, and probably never would be, the place she thought of as home.

Xiang then adressed Julia, and gave her an offer. 1000 credits for some temporary bodyguard work. Easy money. If things didn't kick off with Black Maria, they weren't going to be kicked off by anybody. Julia didn't have her gun, but she didn't need it. If you need to use a gun during a shift of bodyguarding, something has gone terribly wrong. As Xiang left the table, Julia finished her Mangonada in several sips so that she could still savour the flavours. She then got up and briskly followed Xiang with large strides so that she caught up by the time Xiang reached the booth table. The current two residents were the people Julia had seen enter the club, and she retroactively tried to recall anything important they might have said on arrival. Heir's business was heir's business, until an heir paid Julia to make it her business.

"C'mon, Xiang. They're here to enjoy themselves," added Julia as she took one of the stools facing the comfortable booth seats, and opened the bottle that Xiang had put down to pour a large measure of wine in each of the glasses. Julia had been involved in many a talk or meeting like this. She had watched her own bodyguards use all of their little tricks of the trade. Being on the other side of that, was very novel.

The older grey-haired woman flashed a pleasant, respectful smile at both Chandi and Alese as she poured the wine using her simple, no-frills spartan robotic arm. She was wearing a rather shiny neo-retro leather jacket over a silver crop top. The woman was dressing her age, wearing an updated version of the kind of thing she'd have likely been wearing when she was young. She was, looking around, the oldest person in the club by far.


Julia joined Xiang at the bar, looking stoic until she heard the door close behind Remo and his friends. The moment she heard the click, her head collapsed into her hands and she let out a shaky, haggard sigh, before starting to breathe deeply and deliberately. In through the nose. Out through the mouth. She hadn't had a panic attack in over twelve years. The prison therapist had helped her put a stop to them, and the trauma of getting blown up and losing two limbs was healed as far as Julia knew. But seeing that bastard face to face was almost bringing something back up.

Xiang pat her on the back and tried to cheer her up. Julia raised her head and glared at her for a few seconds, before her expression softened a tiny bit.

"I appreciate you looking out for me, but don't pity me," she sighed, shaking her head, as she took the cocktail and gave it a sip. "Mm! Thanks for the drink, though. That's nicer than I remember."

Any hope that Julia could get through this night whithout that Black Maria bastard spotting her were shattered when, upon checking back after he'd entered, their eyes met, and Julia's head snapped back to the front. Well, he'd seen her. She didn't doubt he recognised her. They crossed paths enough times. He'd grown a beard, she had a lot more scars and they'd both started going grey, but you don't forget the face of one of your nemeses.

She tried to calm down when he appeared to ignore her and sit at the other end of the club. Maybe the desire to avoid each other was mutual. After all, surely this was a coincidence. Xiang seemed too popwerful to be in Black Maria's pocket. It wasn't that Julia trusted her too much to entertain the thought that Xiang may have ratted her out. She was still a relative stranger. It's that Xiang didn't seem like the type to operate like that. She probably had her own guys. Didn't seem like the blonde lady's style to do something like this.

Their drinks arrived, along with a chilled bottle of red wine. The robot waitress made a point to specify that the 'gentleman in black' had ordered it for this table. Red wine, huh? Julia was starting to calm down now that her fight or flight response was assured she wasn't in danger of catching a bullet, or worse. This was, however, an annoying addition to her evening. Her expression turned from fear to irritation as she clicked her tongue.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Julia reassured her new friend with an unconvincing, fleeting smile. "I'm afraid I have to catch up with an old friend. Excuse me."

Julia hadn't invited Xiang to come with her, but she hadn't told her not to either, as she left the wine in the ice bucket, and downed her cocktail in one gulp. It tasted sour and fruity going down, but left a cloyingly sweet aftertaste in her mouth. She made her way across the club's floor and over to Remo's table, where she sat down at the free seat.

"It's been a while," Julia greeted dryly, with a nervous smile. "Never thought we'd be in a situation like this. So, how can I help you, Don Remo? Congratualiions on the promotion, by the way."


Pia looked around again at the bodies around them, and shook her head at Ada's question. [color]"If these guns couldn't help these soldiers...or guards. Whatever they are...they're going to be even less help to us."[/color]

When the creature tht was watching them spoke back, Pia froze on the spot. Her blood went cold as ice. At least it was talking, and that meant is wasn't a monster that would kill them all on sight. But they were still at it's mercy. Pia could only watch on as it demanded a sacrifice, and then the scene played out in front of her. It tried to take VV. M volunteered in her place, and was scatched up and eaten in front of their eyes. He hadn't known who any of them were. He hadn't even known who he himself was, and he still made that choice. Pia knew she wouldn't have been able to do that.

Soon, the creature's mouth opened again and suddenly all was shadow. She saw a vision of a woman trying to resucitate a child in a high school uniform. They were out in the open, on a road. These place looked familiar. All the signs were in German. She the realised; the woman giving CPR to the student was her. Was that what she looked like? Her head was suddenly splitting in pain. Things clicked, and she suddenly remembered this scene from her own eyes. She couldn't remember enough to make sense of it. Just the desperation, confusion and guilt. She somehow knew that she had caused this student's injuries.

The Archive's room returned, and Pia now had knowledge that she had something else insider her. Something that she could invoke but not control. She never could control it properly. She wasn't sure how she knew that. Just a feeling. The creature spoke again. The words didn't make sense. 'Become their predator, not their prey'? Did it want to attck the shadows that were now forming?

Pia saw a wave of dark energy come towards her and her fear welled up. Before she was fully aware of what she was doing, it was as if her strong emoutions were escaping her body and causing a whirlwind. Just, without any wind. guns and bodies were lifted from the floor nearby her and began to swirl around her. One of the corpses took the impact of the dark energy wave and was cleaved in half, showering Pia in his stale blood. Become the predator. She grabbed one of the guns as it floated past her hand, pointed it at the shadow that attacked her, and opened fire.
Sorry, I have a job interview tomorrow and it's been making me too wound up to get in the mindset to write. I will post tomorrow after the interview
Travelling back home today, and will make a post once I'm back
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