Avatar of TheMaster99
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 331 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. TheMaster99 9 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Bio is finally redone! Still want to add more to it eventually, but I'm happy with it for now.
6 yrs ago
Might be active again soon™. Bio/etc definitely needs a lot of TLC.
8 yrs ago
School and work on my birthday. Yay.
8 yrs ago
OMG 33 on the ACT!!
1 like
8 yrs ago
Hmm.. maybe I should update this? ...Nah.


Luke aka TheMaster99

Nineteen | EST | Discord

About Me

I am a second year undergraduate student at the Rochester Institute of Technology which, as the name would suggest, is in Rochester, New York. I am studying Software Engineering – essentially, programming plus all of the processes, paperwork, etc. that I'll be doing in the real world. I have been programming in some capacity since I was eight, and once I discovered programming I simply never stopped writing code. Some of that code I've written was for this very website, and hopefully there will be a fair bit more of that in the near future.

I discovered programming in a game called ROBLOX, and coincidentally that is also where I first discovered roleplaying. One day I was exploring the forums, and noticed a roleplaying section. Curious, I took a look and I was instantly hooked. The content was mostly in the Free RP level, with a small amount of Casual tier games, but at the time even that was high quality content to me. Over the years my interest in the game faded, and although I continued programming after ultimately leaving the community, I did not continue roleplaying.

Years later, I gradually started wanting to get back into roleplaying. I began googling around, and after looking at a few different websites I finally decided that the Guild seemed to be the best of them all. I made an account on December 13, 2014, and started jumping into some games; I quickly decided on sticking to mostly High Casual, but eventually moved more towards Advanced as I realized that most of the games I was in were easily at that level anyway. This was right around the time that Mahz was working on rebuilding the website from the ground up, and after chatting with him for a while in the IRC during some site downtime I decided that I wanted to help.

I ultimately didn't contribute too much, but nevertheless I was the first (and so far, only) non-anonymous user to help Mahz with developing the website. As a reward, after he implemented the trophy system I was awarded the special Benevolent Cyberpunk trophy, which gives me a special userbit that looks like this:

After roughly a year and a half of being here, life started getting in the way more and more, and my activity became increasingly infrequent. Eventually, a little after the two year mark, I became completely inactive; I was in my senior year of high school, neck deep in college plans, and didn't have time for it anymore. I'd log in every now and then to check if I had missed anything, but until quite recently never stayed. I am back now, though, and hopefully I'm here to stay. I plan on getting back into roleplaying in the near future, and I also plan on starting to help out with the website once more. I've learned so much since when I first saw the code running the Guild, and hopefully I'll be significantly more helpful than I was back then!

Most Recent Posts

I have an interview tomorrow for a year-long (training would start during the summer) paid internship doing tech support for a local company. So, not bad I guess.

...But I have to do an essay for English. Not so nice.

UPDATE: Essay done hastily and (probably) somewhat poorly, now I can worry about just the interview! \o/
Also works for me.
I'm doing well. I have an interview soon for a (paid ) internship (basically IT guy), 15 school days left (shit, I'm almost a senior!!!), etc etc.

Obviously with the circumstances we are under no rush (besides, I know none of you will be going anywhere), but do (either of? I forget who we do and don't have sorted already tbh) you know when you might be able to get your sheets done? I mean, with how loyal this group is, we could wait all summer for all I care but the sooner the better of course.
Just gonna pop in for a quick check in. How are you all doing?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
Perhaps a solution to new users "running out" of posts on small things like declaring interest in an rp would be to add a system where the poster of an interest check can see who is subscribed to their post? That way the x posts per y minutes wouldn't be wasted on saying they're interested, and could instead be used for asking questions about the rp, posting sheets, etc.

This might be making it too complicated though, when a finetuned x per y system would probably work fine in most cases
My adventures consist of sitting in front of a computer all day for a week, thanks to spring break.

And also sadness because spring break = school is almost over = I'm almost a senior = a metric fuck ton of college applications, financial aid applications, etc. = almost out of high school = almost not a kid anymore = fuuuuuck.

But mostly enjoying the week off.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
Looks like I missed out on a good argument. I'd put my 2 cents in, but the argument has finally died out and I see no reason to restart it.
Take as much time as you need! And I hope you feel better soon .-.
Will do!
As Jig has pointed out, mine is a reward for helping (admittedly very little, although not by choice) Mahz develop the website that we all know and love. The rest are all prizes given out to the winners of writing contests (or just fancy fonts).

You can see all the trophies (except mine) here:


and mine:

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