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7 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Ouran High School Host Club Vol. 15, and Mathematics 2. A woman walked between the rows of shelving looking to home the three remaining books in her hands. This ritual wasn't the norm, but from time to time the librarian found herself in need of assistance to get things in order for the students. Hata Harper would often volunteer for the task. Most of the time it wasn't too much of an inconvenience to her morning schedule. As it would turn out, when you've done enough class prep over the years, you don't always have to reinvent the wheel.

Arriving late to the teacher's lounge, she expected them to be close to wrapping up. A number of them were huddled up near the window, presumably sharing some image or video on a phone. The squeaky voice implied as such, so she didn't commit much thought to the whole magical girl conversation. "Good morning, Amber." She would greet her peer as she passed by on her way to the coffee pot. Hata wasn't one to bother with mixing in cream or sugar, she'd gown up in a household of straight black coffee. So after getting her brew, she turned her attention to the conversation at hand.

Now, Hata wouldn't consider herself particularly superstitious, but her mother always told her stories about spirits, demons, and magical creatures that inhabited nature and beyond. So when she finally stepped around and lay eyes on Lux, her eyes widened. For a brief moment, it was like she was six again, sitting in her mother's lap with an open story book. Where the others saw an oddity or perhaps a fairy, Hata saw... "Yosei."She would say under her breath. Stunned for a second, she eventually bowed deeply out of respect. Having such a being in their presence was an honor and practically unheard of in this day and age. Thinking back, she tried to piece together what was said just moments ago. If she understood correctly, Lux wanted them to become something in order to combat some force known as the Shroud that was threatening the students.

Izumi pointed out that Yui's hypothetical sounded rather close to home. It added credence to what Lux was saying, but Hata still had her reservations about the whole thing. Maybe it had something to do with Andrew grabbing an ax. Glancing at her coworkers, it was clear that a number of them were already on board. Alarm bells were still ringing in her ears, though. They were all adults, but Hata was old enough to be their mother. Did any of them actually know what they were getting themselves into? She didn't. "Now hold on." The others would recognize the tone of when grandma, a term Hata gladly accepts, was potentially about to ruin the fun. She would hold out a hand and allow Lux to land in her palm. "Yosei, Lux. I am... a little at a loss for words to be honest. I believe you, but I feel I would be negligent as the eldest to let everyone agree to something without some assurance." She would look back over to the others, and specifically those who already agreed. "I don't mean to ruin the moment, but I'd rather be sure it's safe before anyone else gets themselves into trouble. Would any of you mind if I went first? Yui?" She would ask those standing by and Yui in particular, since she may have a better understanding of the situation. It was one of those "you have more to live for" sort of offers.
Guess I have to figure out a post now.

While Kayli couldn't say that she felt particularly different after the wish, any doubt was quickly brushed aside upon returning to the meeting location. Penrose was ever a hub of activity, but they were standing in the one location where a bulk of events occurred. Most of what was going on around her was currently drown out as this new magical sense hit her. It was like stepping out of a dark room into a floodlight. It took a few seconds to adjust where it wasn't blinding. She did her best not to show outwardly that anything was off, but those that knew her well might key in.

Of course, what she could see near the statue was of particular interest. When it seemed that it would lead off elsewhere she opted not to follow the trail just yet. Her attention went to all the attendees. Unlike Third Eye, which told one quite a lot about the thing they were looking at, Kayli couldn't make heads or tails of what the light and auras meant. Perhaps in time it would become clear. Everything nearby was not the only thing to observe. The entire park was like a light and firework show all at once. Images of magical girls at various points of activity were everywhere. Walking, running, flying, fighting, and more. Remnants of holes in the sky where horrors and the like had attempted to make their ingress. Kayli was convinced she could see a burst of blue magic in the distance where Cindy met her end. Some, but not all of it, seemed familiar.

Mia's question brought Kayli somewhat back into the moment. Looking down she would smile at her daughter. "Of course." If one could imagine, Mia appeared even more green than usual. Definitely going to take some time to get used to. Still being a Psychic she would continue the conversation telepathically.

"Sorry for not saying anything before leaving. It was important to be cautious given the circumstances and present company. With Alicia and Ruby's help, I should now be able to locate the Nexus and hopefully do something about keeping it safe. I'm not entirely sure what that will look like, so we are just going to have to wait and see once this whole thing is over."

She wanted to be honest with Mia. She was going to have to explain it to Connie later on as well. At least as much as she could. As stated might earlier, she was walking into uncharted territory.
Just want to say, this looks like an entertaining backdrop for an RP.

Speaking of listening in, Ilium had his ear to the ground as it were and filled in his charge on the details. With an uneasy feeling in her stomach, Ruby ported in with a puff of smoke in the middle of the gathering. ”Sorry for the tardiness. Had to talk to the boss first.” The group had only just started talking and there was already tension between some of the groups. By and large, most of the wishes she’d granted were considered “good” or whatever, but by her patron she was practically powered by mischief. Mint, Beacon, the Muffin Man, what have you, didn’t really concern her so long as they weren’t trying to capture her. Friends of hers called Penrose home, and the Queen of Hearts getting what she wanted wasn’t good for anyone. Still, she would chip in her two cents. ”I’m going to leave you ladies to figure out your differences, but I like the idea of going on the offensive. You have the home advantage and can get people and stuff moved around if need be.” Somewhere between Beacon and Mariette there were teleportation options. Maybe she could help them find the toy soldier things, but so far it didn’t feel like the right place to use a wish.

Of all the topics brought up, the Nexus one was the most chilling. Not that she really knew a lot about it, but trying to manipulate it in any way was no light matter. Thinking about trying to tap into that kind of power sent alarm bells off in her head. There was only really one person she imagined wouldn’t instantly turn into a corrupted monstrosity. ”I don’t… She bit her lip and looked around at the hodgepodge group. Who did she trust more to keep things together? Really, Ruby wanted to cut her losses and run. That wasn’t what she was tasked to do this time, and what she felt she should do had a finality to it she couldn’t shake. ”Why’d I have to go and piss off a djinn?” She grumbled to herself.

Marching over to Kayli she motioned her closer. ”I think I can help you, but not here. We need… She glanced around. A number of people couldn’t help in this scenario. There were still rules after all. ”Someone you trust.” Ruby probably could make an educated guess on who to ask, but better to leave it to Kayli who would probably be a better barometer.

”Oh?” Kayli wondered what exactly Ruby had in mind. Two names were at the top of the list. One of them was a tad busier at the moment, so it didn’t take much deliberation. She would turn and call out. ”Alicia, would you care to join Ruby and I in a brief meeting?”

Alicia’s gaze narrowed as the meeting went on, her fingers digging progressively deeper into the palms of her hands as she listened to the speakers. ”No way. I don’t trust half the people here to mess with the Nexus and not try to use it for something shady at the same time,” she added. The sort of temptations that would arise from even the possibility was too great

She was about to argue more with Chloe when she found herself suddenly addressed from another direction. ”Sure,” she replied, figuring that the others could keep insanity from reigning in the short time that this meeting would need. With that she stepped over to join the duo, to see what it was they wanted to talk about.

For a moment Ruby was worried that Alicia was going to rain on her idea and she turned to look at Kayli. The woman didn't seem concerned, and even pleased at the outburst. "Okay then. S-step into my office." She would wave her hands as if gesturing them to walk through a doorway. The three of them would vanish in a swirl of smoke.

Ruby, Alicia, and Kayli would appear in a luxurious room filled with lounging pillows. A pleasing incense in the air. Alicia would recognize it as an Interdimensional Home. Letting out a relieved sigh, Ruby would put her hands on her hips. "Whoo. Not going to lie, that many magical people together in one place makes me nervous." She would clap her hands. "Alright, now we can speak freely. I totally agree with you on just letting anyone mess with the Nexus. Actually, I'm pretty sure that almost any one of us would be instantly corrupted if it didn't outright kill us." She would pause and let that sink in.

Turning to Kayli, Ruby would hold a hand out as if to present her. "I think Kayli is our best shot. She's already immune to corruption, but with the right wish I believe she can help defend the Nexus from Wonderland and all the other crazies out there." It was kind of a long shot. It had been a while since Ruby had interacted with Alicia. Ironically the Beacon girl's first wish for the purification potion way back put Janet on this journey here.

Glancing around the Interdimensional Home, Alicia was somewhat sad that there wasn’t really time to indulge this place. But the meeting was going on, regardless of how much time they spent in this place. So she turned her focus back to Ruby and Kayli.

She nodded in agreement with Ruby’s first observation. ”Not that that would stop some of them.” Some were crazy enough to do it anyway, or might see it as a good thing. That just left the question of how to solve the problem, and in this case it seemed the duo before her were prepared to provide. ”The right sort of wish, huh?” She glanced between the two of them. ”Can your powers affect something on that kind of scale?”

Ruby shrugged a bit. "Ilium, my patron, controls that more than me. I met with him just before coming to the meeting and insinuated that my fate is wrapped up with this somehow. He's been preparing for something big. He'll tell me if I can't." She smiled reassuringly.

”Fair enough,” Alicia conceded in the face of Ruby’s assurance. If they were confident then she had no reason to doubt it. ”Now I just have to figure out what the best wish to address our problem is.” A task easier said than done. She didn’t want to accidentally make things worse for them.

Kayli would speak up. This was rather important as it potentially effected everyone and herself directly as the subject for this wish. It was a daunting task given what little they did know. ”If the goal is to thwart nefarious actors, then perhaps something like ‘equipped to defend the Nexus.’ Or maybe, ‘equipped to prevent abuse of the Nexus.’ The second may be better, as it should also apply to myself as well. I would not want to somehow slip into a delusion in the future and become a tyrant in my own right.” Corruption or no, power had a way of twisting an individual. She gave it a little more thought. ”The second example also leaves it open for proper uses of the Nexus as a natural font of magic. We don’t want it to be too restrictive that we cause more harm than good.”

Alicia nodded, appreciative of Kayli’s advice in this matter. It helped to guide her thoughts, reaching a wish that would best. She gave it a bit more thought before finally speaking once again. ”I wish that Kayli had the power to prevent the Penrose Nexus from being manipulated.”

Waiting somewhat impatiently, the chance to grant a wish always made it hard to wait, Ruby nodded and rubbed her hands together. ”Alright then. Let’s see if this even works.” Stepping up, Ruby would call on her magic. As both Alicia and Kayli had witnessed the djinn girl in action previously, it was unusual when the magic that had begun to swirl around suddenly collapsed to a point and a marble sized object dropped to the floor with a light thump. Alicia’s Third Eye could see, but not quite identify the nature of what had just occurred. Ruby herself looked drained, as if she’d just spent most of her magic. ”Uh, maybe I underestimated how hard this would be.” Kneeling down, she would pick up the marble. It was void black with the tiniest pinprick of light in the center. Holding it closer and looking within, Ruby’s motions slowed as plumes of crimson clouds formed and began to wind around the girl.

Ruby blinked as images flittered in her vision like a reel of film. Each oddly familiar as if she’d seen them before. Spears of light impaling someone against a stone statue, a figure atop the roof of a building being struck by lightning, a warship charging through the streets and passing into a portal, and a girl escaping through what looked like a window just before the room burst into crimson beams and flames. Were these visions or… memories? They didn’t fit with her own experience. A final picture flashed before she came to. It was hazy. It looked like… Kayli in the middle of a great storm striking down Lily. The marble vanishes with the scene.

None of this had the chance to be communicated, as the smoke had whipped itself into a whirlwind that lifted Ruby into the air. ”W-wait, Ilum!” Rings of flame encircled her wrists. T-this wasn’t Ilum’s magic. This was coming from… Looking down, her legs had lost their form and was the source of the smoke. ”No no, stop! This can’t… I can’t, aaaAAH!” Engulfed in the smoke, her magic surged and blew back Alicia and Kayli into a pile of pillows. Objects and furniture were tossed and overturned, but shortly after the tempest died out and the smoke cleared.

The room was warmer, hot even, as any of the lanterns that had previously lit up the space were made pointless by flames that leapt up around the edges of the room. ”Oh my.” A snap of fingers is heard and everything that had been displaced jumped and slid back into place. The two guests would see a young woman, clearly Ruby, looking at the manacles on her wrists with a pout. ”That was too close.” She would let out a heavy sigh. Her head was swimming with thoughts and impulses that she was struggling to suppress. They would be so easy to mess with. And Kayli, what was it that she had seen? The future perhaps. Should she warn them? A sly smile would appear, and she would saunter over to the others and offer each a hand to help them up. "I would love for you to stay and chat, but we don't have a lot of time."

Magic flowed from the hand lifting Kayli. Outwardly there was not much to show for the wish. There was a feeling, something unavoidable had been set in motion. Within it was like a power was drawing Kayli. What else was a sense of peace as the nervousness of the situation faded. She had to follow through, she was meant to defend the Nexus.

Things moved rapidly in ways that Alicia was not prepared for. It was clear that events transpired which the djinn was not prepared for, and though Alicia felt like she should intervene she was not sure what she could even do. As it was she did get knocked off her feet, but at least there was a bunch of pillows to cushion the impact from that.

Helped back to her feet once everything had resolved itself, she nodded to the other two girls. Clearly something had happened, she just hoped that she had made the right decision in the end. ”Agreed.” Hopefully the meeting hadn’t gone too far off the rails while they were busy.

There was a pause, then Alicia added to what she had said. ”Oh, and let’s keep this wish between us for now.” It would be a useful ace in the hole should it come down to it.

Kayli would nod in agreement.

"Of course master." She would bow before righting herself with a slightly perturbed expression. "Sadly I will not be joining you for the rest of the meeting. I can’t really leave anymore. You’ve seen Aladdin right? Doesn’t work that way." She would hold up an arm and tap on one of the manacles. "Good luck out there." With a wave, she would send Alicia and Kayli back to the others.
Ariel Gratas

Rising Starborn Guild Hall

Ky @Cello| D'angelo @samreaper| Jenny @Zarkun| Akemi @Lunarlord34

Loyalty? That definitely was not Ariel's M.O. Sure, she came here for help. But she was a selfish loner with a misguided drive for power. For a while, all the surrounding talking seemed a bit muffled. An internal struggle began to surface. Competing selves began to go back and forth. This wasn't entirely out of nowhere, Ariel had a way of processing with internal arguments. Weighing the pros and cons of a given decision. This time though, it was like a whole other person was responding back with her own voice in the first person.

So sad. I should really work on my trust issues.
What? Who are you?
Oh wait, that's just me.
I wouldn't say something like that.
Of course I would. I just didn't want to admit it.
You're the magic talking.
It's only bringing out something I know I wanted.
I never wanted this. That stupid crystal broke me.
And now it's given me split personalities or something.
I can't rule that out. Hey, this is kind of fun.
It is not fun. I'm losing my mind.
Oh look, a friend!
Don't change the subje... oh.

The inner monolog collapsed as Akemi grabbed Ariel's fluffy tail. Instead of pushing the girl away, the young woman patted her fellow guild member on the head. "Hello. My name is Ariel. I just joined Rising Starborn. I think." She glanced at Jenny for a second. Initiation seemed shockingly simple, almost concerning so. Eh, if there was more than she would surely hear about it.

Catching up mentally, she glanced at the young mages and the job they were apparently singing up for. It seemed irresponsible to send them off with a total stranger. Ariel of course had no experience what-so-ever with guild jobs, teamwork, babysitting, and she herself was a stranger. Which of course meant that she must go to protect the young pups! "Jenny. I realize that D'Angelo is going, but I think it would best if an older guild member joined them as well. I would love to supervise and make sure things go smoothly." There wasn't an ounce of doubt in her voice. She was completely onboard.

Ever since the Christmas event, hell, even before that when Violet and Sakura used Penny’s Evolution to become Ruby, Ilum had kept a close watch on the magical girl. Bigger wish granting had been at a minimum, and it had kept her out of the public eye for a while now. Usually during these lulls it meant it was time to move on. Then came an unexpected and somewhat ominous summons to Ilum’s lamp. Was this it? Had her time run out, some missed agreement that meant she was to become a full djinn and sealed away for an untold length of time.

Floating in as a plume of smoke, Ruby’s form took shape before a lavish palace. Everything here clearly touched by the djinn’s magic, and setting foot here struck home that she too was a mere possession of the patron. Walking forward, the girl sheepishly took hold of the door knocker at the entrance, the impacts sounding out much louder than the motion would suggest.

The knocker, shaped like a lion's head holding a ring between it's fangs, smiled as the heavy metal reverberated on the door. "Welcome, it said," followed by the door opening to a lavish, wide room filled with treasures and luxuries. Ilum was sitting on a large cushion, smoking on what looked like a bizarre hookah. "Come, my child," Ilum gestured towards the magical girl. "Take a seat."

Taken back by the spectacle of the space, she shifted forward. This was a lot more treasure than she ever imagined. It made the little pocket dimension she had, as comfortable as it was, look like a school locker. Coming to, Ruby walked forward as instructed and took a seat on a smaller pillow before Ilum. ”You called for me?” She’d learned better long ago than to talk back to her patron, particularly when in his presence. Not that she could hide anything from him anyway with the Mind Link.

The Patron gently breathed out a cloud of iridescent smoke. "Yes. I have seen an omenous portent." The smoke took shape, producing images that resembled the places and people described. "A great upheaval is at hand, in the place known as Penrose, resting place of a Nexus." Curiously, the smoke took the shape of a nameless book, with hands reaching out for it. "If this magic is disturbed, it will have devastating consequences. To avert this fate, you must intervene." The Patron glanced over to Ruby. "The balance of magic must be kept in equilibrium, and the Nexus must remain unsullied by greed. Do you understand?"

Never in her time as a magical girl had Ruby been given a mission like this. Actually, most of the time there wasn’t really a mission at all. ”Intervene? I… Yes I understand, but I’m not a fighter like the others. Am I supposed to grant a wish or something to help them?”

"Ruby, your magic is but one of the gifts bestowed upon you to shape fate. Like your namesake, your brilliance is only shadowed by your passionate will to endure." The smoke split into countless tiny rubies, then glittering into nothingness. "A wish in the correct place, correct time…Like ambition itself, it can change the world. But whether it is for good or evil…You must be the judge of your own heart."

Ilum was always difficult for Ruby to read. He could be harsh at times, or he could be encouraging like he was now. Not quite a father figure, but a mentor in his own way. Nodding assuredly she smiled lightly. "Thank you, Ilum. I will do my best." She snapped her fingers and a spark of magic went off. She narrowed her eyes and looked up at Ilum with a playful glare. "You were preparing for this weren't you? That's why you've been having me save up magic." She would wag a finger in the Djinn's direction with a smirk.

The Patron would only smile at the accusation. "As sharp as a jewel. But time is of the essence." With an elaborate motion of hands, a portal was conjured out of the lamp. "Now, you must go, for it is preordained."

Preordained huh? Hard to tell if that was what she wanted or not. As if magic cared about ones feelings. Getting up, Ruby hurried through the portal. She had a job to do.
Ariel Gratas

Rising Starborn Guild Hall

Ky @Cello| D'angelo @samreaper| Jenny @Zarkun

Join the guild? It'd been a long time since she'd worked with anyone. Then again, she was seen as a crackpot mad scientist wannabe. When Jenna was briefly addressing D'Angelo, Ariel took another look around. The guild hall itself was nice, it appeared comfortable, and there were a lot of mages. Staying here wasn't really her plan. Pergrande didn't really have guilds, at least not like what she understood them to be in Fiore's past. There were usually strings attached.

The train of thought got interrupted when Jenna held out a hand. Ariel's eyes widened as the limb shifted in appearance. What kind of magic was this? Transmutation? Was that a thing? Admittedly, she hadn't done much study outside Caster magic since Lacrama was her focus. Speaking of, could she even use this magic? "Oh. Thank you." Reaching out, she would take the offered hand and shake it respectfully while she continued. "I've never been part of a guild before. I think I would..." Tensing up, a shiver ran through her body. Her eyes shifted to a golden yellow, while her hair and clothes became a dark tan color. Squirming awkwardly, Ariel felt a strange tingling on the top of her head and the base of her tailbone. A few seconds later, a pair of scruffy wolf ears push up through her hair, at the same time a bushy tail bursts out behind her.

Letting out a yelp of surprise, Ariel jumps back and covers her mouth. Eyes darting around for a second she tried to make sense of what just occurred with ears down and tail tucked under her. Ariel's gaze finally fixated on Jenna. Did she change again? No, but she could swear something was different. The guild master looked bigger and stronger all of a sudden, and that seemed to dispel most of her suspicion. Inexplicably, Ariel began to relax. Her new ears perked up and tail began to wag back and forth slowly. "S-sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. What was I saying?" She would say cheerfully with a nervous smile. "Oh yeah. I would love to join the guild!" Shortly after the words left her mouth she put on a slightly confused expression. That didn't sound right. She didn't know these people. Just because Jenna was the alpha didn't mean... wait. What was happening?

In her confusion, Ariel lifted up a hand to scratch her head and shoved a finger into one of her wolf ears. "Agh! What the..." Feeling the top of her head, she grabbed the wolf ears and gave them a tug that she of course felt. Pausing, it was then that she noticed that something was brushing against her back. Turning around there was nothing there, but the brushing persisted. Reaching behind, Ariel got a handful of fur and another tug when she pulled on it. To the outside observer it was probably at least somewhat comical watching the woman spin about trying to make sense of everything. Grabbing a hold of the tail, Ariel wrapped it around in front of her to get a better look. "Wha, what is this? Why do I have a tail?" She would look at Jenna again, hoping for some answers.
Ariel Gratas

Ky @Cello| D'angelo @samreaper| Jenny @Zarkun

Despite not expressing it outwardly, Ariel was pleasantly surprised by the response. There was really no way to know how anyone would react to this magical ability of hers. Ky's youthful enthusiasm was way more than she expected. For a second, she drew back when the boy jumped in front of her. The moment passed though and she smiled awkwardly. "O-oh, uh." Unlike with D'angelo's magic, this other one was less "tangible." In fact, she couldn't even really tell what it was exactly. Reaching out, she could feel the magic, and it was quickly drawn in.

The watery shimmer of her clothing almost drained away and shifted to an earthen brown color. The texture seemingly became dry and coarse, cracking and splitting for a more rocky appearance. A quick shake of her head as the mental changes kicked in, and the transformation was done.

"Hmmh. That's such a strange feeling." Putting her hands on her hips, she looks down at the floor. She could almost feel the ground under the floorboards. She didn't get the sense that she could use this magic all that well at the moment. That wasn't the most important thing on her mind though, and she quickly raised her gaze back to Ky.

The boy had already switched to another topic. Namely, the guild members and what they could potentially do. That instantly drew Ariel's attention. The illusion to ice and lightning magic had her glancing around to see what else she could spot. "I would love to meet everyone. Hopefully they're as generous as you've been." Someone named Jenna was pointed out as Ky waved them down. Listening patiently, it turned out that this was the guild master. Stepping up, Ariel would return the bow. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Wolfsbane. My name is Ariel Gratas. It's taken me quite a while to travel here, and I was hoping to ask you and your guild for some help. It's a little hard to explain, but I... well. I'm not a mage, or at least I don't think I would qualify as one, but due to an incident I've found myself sort of broken." She would gesture to Ky and D'angelo. "Thanks to these gentlemen here, I've been able to confirm that my self is fractured and linked to different magics if I'm exposed to them. I'm feeling unusually calm right now, but a moment ago I was quite sad. My hope was that by coming here, I could gain access to more magic to try and put myself back together. Perhaps I should demonstrate."

Ariel would concentrate and shift from Earth magic, to Water, to Fire, and finally to her base white appearance. A well-trained eye would be able to spot the shifts in her mood as her expression changed. "I realize you've no reason to help me. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. I don't really have any way of compensating you, but I would be willing to do my best to make myself useful." Despite having a dull and monotone way about her, it was clear that she was being serious, even if a little forward about her circumstances.
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