Avatar of Vatonage
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Vatonage 4 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
am i the only one bothered by the fact that the new contest is called purple but the image is colored green
3 yrs ago
Finally picked up the green owl app, if I ever go missing you all know who killed me
3 yrs ago
cum chulainn
3 yrs ago
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twenty-two | any pronouns | nonbinary | pan ace
I'll write something here eventually.

If you're a friend of mine or if you're someone I know well enough to not cause issues or drama, you can find the invite link to my discord server right here.

Most Recent Posts

@cappucinii You'd have to wait until whenever Mahz shows up back on the guild if you want an inactive account's username. Mods can't do anything about it AFAIK unless things have changed. So unless you're okay with waiting, I'd suggest maybe looking for another name you might want. Just figured to let you know.
Heyo!! I’m new to this site. I’ve only been a part of a few small forums so this is a bit of a shift. I’m pretty new to RP but I have a bit under my belt. I hope I’m able to make a nice impression on anyone seeing this.

I prefer RP and games that move a bit slow. I’m a huge fan of fantasy,
sci-fi, horror, and adventure. I’d say the 3 best ways to describe me are fun, funny, and wacky. I have major interests in books and video games. I’m a huge game nerd who’s pretty passionate about game talk. I’m also a huge literature/ writing fan. I find being creative and hearing out ideas to be a fun process that I deeply enjoy.

I may be new but, I duly hope everyone would please be kind and patient with me. ~~I’m kinda slow.

Yo; welcome to the guild.

I don't know how slow is "a bit slow" for you, but most RPs on the guild generally move about one post cycle per week. There are surely some that move faster or slower, but that's the average speed you'll see around here. As for genres, all four of those genres you've mentioned are definitely popular around here, but I tend to see fantasy and adventure more than the other two.
GM Post for round #2 coming in the upcoming days.
@ClocktowerEchos I'm going to keep an eye on this, but I do have something to ask.

In the OP, you mention that you want to keep the RP centered in the five kingdoms, which is fine with me. However, I was wondering if a Canadian-born house would be acceptable? The idea I had was for a Quebecois adventurer (that or a small group) who adventured into the Lakelands long, long ago for rumors of something. I was personally thinking of the location of St. Louis, in particular the Gateway Arch, as they're considered the "Gateway to/Rome of the West" and therefore might have some legendary status to them. Even more so given the Louis IX connection and that several locations and other places are named after him in Canada.

Along the way, they'd probably achieve some sort of fame among the Lakelands that found one or more of them knighted (maybe in the wars or whatever else @Infinite Cosmos mentioned in House Brewer's history), which would later lead to a house with distinctly Canadian traditions settled in former East St. Louis and the surrounding Illinoisan communities, with the ruins (or still standing structure, depending on your answer) of the Gateway Arch looking upon them as they protect one of the important "gateways" (get it?) to the West/Mississippi River.

Course, this all depends on if you get all the major roles first, too.

EDIT: PSST, your link to the discord is dead.
Welcome to the guild, @Pointy Chip. Anything particular that you're interested in?
In REQUEST 3 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery
@Sebastian D ezgif.com/resize and upload to imgur or RPG.
<Snipped quote by Vatonage>

So that means there’s still time to get in on it, or apps are closed? I’m cool with waiting.

Apps aren't closed as we're still without a sheet. As I said we're waiting on @TGM to post the thread.
I think we're waiting for the GM to get this started.

AFAIK Gowi is planning to get this up soon. She wants to get her other RP posts she owes people in first, though.
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