[center][i][b]356 A.U., Season of the Fireheart(Summer), Year of the Moon.[/center][/i][/b] [center][i]In the Kingdom of Arcadia, in the capital, Arcia, a large festival is being prepared at night for the marriage of a young Priestess. The Summer winds are cool, the flowers are showcasing their magnificent beauty, and the sun is shining through the clouds brilliantly. Throughout the bustling streets is building of some sorts, either be it a house or a shop. Around these buildings is some type of alleyway, filled with the pipes that were built by Alchemists in order to provide a different assortments of needs, whether it be water, ventilation, or magma. In the center of Arcia lies the Town Center. It serves as a hub for trade, conversation, and gatherings. In the middle of the center lies a fountain statue of Mère holding her children. Around the center are small stalls set up by travelling merchants, who'm sell extravagant goods from foreign countries, races, and artifacts. It was a peaceful day...[/center][/i] [center][u][b]Anthony[/b][/u][/center] Anthony walked through the streets, his blade sheathed on his side. In his right hand were some flowers, which he had bought for his sister as an early congratulations for her wedding today. Though he was against it at first, he gave in to her plea's. Still, he protested it silently within his head. The only thing that truly forced him to allow her to marry was that as long as she was happy, he would be. "She should be around here in the Town Center...." He mumbled to himself silently, pushing past the different amounts of people within the Town Center. There were a few number of people, mainly due to the festival being built at the moment. In fact, there were a couple of actors on the stage, which was yet to be decorated with scenery, who were practicing. Anthony was one of the actors who'm would be fighting on the stage. He was to be dueling with, hilariously, the man who would be marrying his sister! [center][u][b]Elizabeth[/b][/center][/u] Elizabeth sat silently on the fountain, staring into the water at herself as she examined her dress through the waters reflection. She moved her hair out of her face and smiled, her bright blue eyes shining beautifully. As she stood up, she looked up over towards the stage, her curiosity growing as to what the play would be about, and what part her brother would have. She was in the play, in fact, to sing as a muse in the story. Her thought was broken when she saw Anthony walking with the flowers. She smiled widely and ran over. "Anthony! I'm so glad you made it!" She yelled out as she ran over to him.