[b][u] Aurora Claudwell [/u][/b] She was about to respond to the ground around her when she heard another familiar voice chime in. Her head turned, and for a brief moment, Rory was distracted by the appearance of Luna. Luna was familiar, of course, but over vacation, it seemed that she'd gone through a wardrobe change. "Hey, Luna," Rory replied, as her eyes skimmed over her bold outfit choice, "You look good," she said, but it was stating it lightly. It was obvious from some of the side-long stares that Luna was getting that this look [i]worked[/i] for her. Rory was impressed. Thankfully, Naka spoke again, reminding Rory that there were more pressing matters at hand here. "Oh! Of course!" She recollected herself, "It's just down the hall from here. They'll be able to take care of you there. I've seen them handle -much- worse." She gave her friend a grin. Of course, Naka was showing her defensive side. But Rory understood. Knowing Naka before now, and having experienced coming into this place without anywhere to go home to, she understood that certain situations just required you to be strong in order to feel safe. In order to feel like you had some sort of control. She didn't challenge her on it, but instead simply said, "Follow me." Her hazel eyes flashed towards Luna and Alicia, who seemed content conversing, and she waved them along, signaling for them to come along for the walk. As they passed through the doors, she spoke to Naka again, voicing the thoughts that had buzzing in her mind since she had unexpectedly found her here, "So...I had no idea you were a...mutant." She approached the subject a little hesitantly. It was strange discussing mutation with someone from her past, who had never known that side of her.