[i]This place is...,[/i] Tiberious could not find the words to describe what he felt about The Black Forest. Magic flowed through everything, from the leaves atop the trees to the blades of grass that rested in the forest floor. [i]It is no wonder no one ever ventures here. I probably could not find my way out even with all the magic at my disposal.[/i] Yet, somehow, the way through the forest seemed clear. He had no idea where he was going but he knew he was not lost. Several hours had gone by, no progress seemed to be made. [i]Maybe this was trap... No. Paladins would never set foot near this place. Azure maybe...[/i] Then it hit Tiberious, like a bucket of cold water being dumped onto his head. A power that he has never felt before began to push its way through The Black Forest. [i]I must be getting close.[/i] The closer he got, the stronger the presents felt, sticking out in this magically dense forest. Then as if on queue, the forest parted, opening up to a large, circular building constructed from the forest itself. Smaller rooms littered the edge of the large structure, strange smells leaking from those rooms. All kinds of mages were gathered in and around this building, many not sure why they were here or who called them. "Welcome, Tiberious," A pleasant, sweet voice came from behind him. "Wha..," he turned around to see a beautiful young maiden, dressed in dark green robes. Vines covered much of her robe, even the tops of her feet and hands. Tiberious could not tell if they grew onto her robes or were apart of them. A hood left little of her face to be seen, only a pair of bright yellow eyes that seemed to peer into his soul and mind. "Please, come with me. A message is about to be delivered to the mages and then our mistress would like a word with you." Confused, Tiberious followed the hooded maiden into the large hall where most of the mages had gathered. In the back of room was a large, natural throne which view was being obstructed by dangling vines. That magical power he felt earlier seemed to come from behind there. But now that he was close, it felt like two, not one. "This way please. Our mistress and the Count are about to speak." The vines parted, revealing two figures. An ancient women who commanded a presence like a great war general before his troops. The other was a tall, well dressed man, giving off a vibe of a lesser ruler. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ After the Witch's and Count's speeches This news surprised Tiberious. [i]Maybe my Master was not crazy after all. A revolution within my life time. Hmm, never would had guessed.[/i] The maiden from earlier had sat next to him the whole time, awing at the two as they spoke. She rose from her seat and turned to TIberious. "This way please," she started toward one the leaf doors near the back. He followed, not sure what else to do. The room they entered was one of the larger rooms connected to the main hall, a similar throne sat against the back wall. A strange orb floated near the ceiling, illuminating the room with blue glow that blended with the dark green vines that clung to the walls. The maiden stood next to the throne, whispering to the old woman who sat in the throne. The witch nodded then beckoned TIberious closer. "Welcome young mage. I know you have many questions but this is not the time to ask. Just know that I knew your Master well." Tiberious stood still, not wanting to disrespect this powerful being. "What we want to do, will not come easy or quickly. By the end of this, we will need the best mages to complete our goal and rid our world of this paladins. So I offer you a chance to assist me. What do you say?" The witch clasp her hands together, waiting silently for TIberious' response. He did not think, "Of course, but why me?" A vine came from one of the walls and whipped he face, leaving a small cut across his right cheek. Tiber stood steadfast, not wanting to show shock or pain. "Did I not say this was not the time to ask questions... But you show courage. I will tell you this, you have great potential. In a time like this, it never hurts to have extra help." She paused, taking several pieces of paper from the maiden who Tiberious did not see leave. "Here are your papers to let you move about. Your first mission will be waiting for you at the Count's fort he has secured for the mages. I have sent a message to your covenant, so you have no need to return to inform them." Tiberious bowed, confused as the the turn of events that have unfolded in the last few hours. The maiden brought the papers to Tiberious, her eyes never focusing on him. "I will not disappoint," he stated as he headed towards the exit. "Oh, and one more thing, Saberia will be joining you. Take this as a sign of trust. Your master spoke highly of your ability and I need to see proof of that. Plus, she needs to experience the world and I need to make sure you preform. Now go." Tiberious was not sure about taking Saberia. Most the time he worked alone, thinking another person would slow him down. But there was something about Saberia that gave him an odd feeling. Tiber never bothered acknowledging lesser mages, figuring they needed to prove themselves. He was no fool though, knowing to respect power, but TIberious has not met many who he deemed worthy of his respect. Saberia was different as he could not tell where she stood. Being under the witch, Tiber could assume that she had to have some power. Nothing seemed to emanate from her though, making Tiber question her effectiveness. They stood outside the main hall, watching as many of the mages prepared to leave. The Count's plan was under way, the mages finally having an ally on the inside to help tip the tide in their favor. "This way Master Tiberious, the fort quite a ways away and we want to get out of here before the fighting starts." TIber stared at her, "What fighting?" Saberia returned his glare as she removed her hood, long black hair falling out. She had a warm smile on her slender face, "The Mistress and Count were talking about preparing for some kind of attack. But I did not hear anything else as they shooed me away. Now come." With that Saberia turned, light in foot, and headed into the forest.