"Thank you, we tried to make it as traditional as our old house to the best of our abilities." Aki nodded in her chair, reaching out to grab a cup of tea that was on the small coffee table. She remembered a little more about the fire nation than Masuto did, but she was a few years ahead of him, and he moved to republic city almost at birth. "It was usually me and out mom who decorated the place, since Maastuo was too young to do anything at that age." Hoshi nodded in agreement and glanced at his sister, his glowing amber eyes meeting her darker red ones for only a split second before the two of them both turned their attention to the first guest. Of course as an older sister it was her job to tease her younger brother about not only the fact that the first non family related person to walk through the door was a girl, and a friend of Masuto's, but also she seemed to be pretty shy and quiet. She could have a lot of fun while he was still living in this house.