She was taken off by his word, stuttering as she spoke "W-w-what?!" "Bah, fans should not get on la stage!" With a click of her finger suddenly two thin speakers shot up in front of the pair and blasted out a wide spread shock wave, only for her to lower with the speakers and bring up a high kick dance, which set off all her speakers either side of her to blow the pair off the stage. At which Lach dove to the side and rolled to hisfeet and she continued, "Besides. I rather like mwah men rather more... Refined." "Now then, shall we start?~" Spinning in place she kicked out, her dance moves opening up several speakers on the floor, sending out a slicing sound way across the floor. Lach grunted and dove again, hopping around and summersaulting to get away from the blasts. He then cut his elbow discretely with his blade so she couldnt see it. the cut was not deep at all but its location would bring a lot of blood out, at which he allowed his blade to get soaked in it as he suddenly heard the potions guy start speaking French! He didnt speak french but he could pick up he was talking how he loved her music... He Stood up and said, " I dont know what he said, but back off! I got the back stage tickets.... He rushed forward and jumped high into the air, his arm now covered in blood as well as his sword He slashed his blade down and the blood flicked off of it as he did, he wasnt aiming for her exactly but near her.... he had to get his blood on her. If no blood got on her the first time he then spun and flicked his wrist to where she dodged too... which was his main aim to catch her while she landed.