[hider=Kinzo Sanada] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/007/1/e/kazehaya_shouta_gif_by_xpaw_chanx-d36nefx.gif[/img] [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Appearance[/b]: A slender, young man with a slightly toned build due to the many physical activities used to participate in. His frame, although thin, can be described as lithe but sturdy. His hair is of medium length, stark under normal lighting conditions but glows a soft golden-brown if presented under the radiance of the sun. The tone of his skin is slightly tan, just a step or two darker than fair. His eyes are pools of chocolate; dark and piercing but warm and comforting. The most defining characteristic about Kinzo Sanada is his smile - slightly crooked, but in a charming, unique manner. [b]Personality[/b]: Charismatic and sociable, Kinzo is an optimistic individual who's not afraid to speak his mind. He's well mannered and understanding, as his public self seems to radiate a certain charm. He tends to get along easily with people, as he puts himself out there and is usually the first one to introduce himself. He's the type of person that accepts everyone equally as he is not a person that judges. His cheerful personality is not over the top, but rather refreshing and genuine. As a private individual, however, Kinzo Sanada is selfish and stubborn. Everything has to be his way, though he hides these hidden desires pretty well. If angered to the point where these values may become vulnerable, he usually becomes silent, distant, and aloof. Light, gentle, respectable and understanding are keywords to describing his refreshing character. [b]Occupation at the Bakery[/b]: Cashier [b]History[/b]: A 3rd Year at Fukushima High, Kinzo is one of the paired children to the Sanada family. He is the eldest brother, with his younger sibling being 6 years old. Although there's over a ten-year gap between the two, the Sanada brothers are quite close. He was an athlete in middle school and during his first year of high school, but retired from club activities during his second year as he thought he should focus more on schooling. Regardless, he still remains active during his free time. When Kinzo was younger, he was quite the trouble-maker, an almost direct opposite of who he is today. This was due to the absence of his parents during his childhood - though the three of them loved each other just as much as any other ordinary family, they were stuck in a financial crisis that resulted in his parents having to work throughout the days and nights. Though this little rough patch did indeed influence Kinto's bad behavior, at the same time, he understood what his parents were going through. He respected them and loved them, knowing that they were working for his sake. With this in mind, Kevin began to mature at a faster rate than most kids his age, leaving his restless self behind and grew into the kind-hearted individual he is today. By the time Kento, the Sanada's youngest son, was born, the family had established a stable, middle-class income with his dad becoming a corporate worker for a big company and his mom finally being able to leave her position at a grocery store to do what she wanted as a stay-at-home mother. Currently, the family is trying their best to support their simple lifestyle so that Kento could grow up without anymore hardships. [/hider]