Elliot ran down the hall but somehow Orin and Hector passed her. For giant brutes they were quick she gave them that. She slid to a stop as they saw a very young boy standing in their way, leaning on a huge axe that was waaaaaay to big for him. She made fun of Hector of his massive sword from time to time but it actually fit him... Very well. She couldn't see him with anything smaller... Just be too weird. Any ways the kid Pushed up his glasses he smiled excitedly. "Ah yes, I hoped this would be true! You two, Orin and Hector! So powerful! This will be a powerful fight indeed! -don" Despite his feminine looks he talked strongly and like a man... It was kind of silly but still, he was determined, until he saw the others though. "Tch... Guess this wont be a MANLY fight after all.." She balled up her fist and growled. She was just as strong as Hector...well magical wize. She could probably wipe the floor with the kid as looked disappointed at this news, but a noise of the door opening behind him caught his attention as well as everyone else's . "Ah, old man. I don't need your-, Huh.. No. Stay. You can handle the others while I have my powerful match! Keyahahahahaha!" - With a withered smile the old man nodded and very slowly walked up towards them all, addressing Elliot in his introduction. "Hello deary... I am Sir Emils Goulard, but you may call me Grandpa heheheheh" Elliot took a step back and with a discussed / horrid face said, "eeeeeeewww. Don't call me deary... You look like a pervert!" Just how he introduced himself sent alarms off in her head. Suddenly Hector after trying to anger the little twerp started off the attack. She then looked to Kladis who was a timid kid. She didn't see how well the fought before... She didn't want to babysit while fighting. "I ladies I'll take the perv on you can back me up if I need it. Ok? I don't know how dangerous this guy is..." As ! She turned back to the old man and with a second of hesitation she spun and kicked high and low, in a fluid motion , her kicks launching out a blast of fire long and thin. She spun to a stop almost exactly where she was standing before balling her hands into fists into a defensive stance.