[i]Slaughter... Execution... Genocide.[/i] Those were the only words that came to Varkasan's mind as The Azure Sorcerer laid waste to the once proud army of Paladins. All of his morale and courage from when he first set out, following closely behind Levran was gone. With their leader dead, and their allies either scattered or met with the same fate, Varkasan felt very true fear; something he had not felt ever since his rigorous Paladin training. [i]"To think that all these tough and trained men and women would fall just like that... All of their lives and efforts, gone to waste..."[/i] He thought in disbelief. Though the sheer amount of brutalized corpses consolidated the fact that this was real. "We must return to Liria. We must find our horses." Alicia Eternus ordered quietly. Varkasan had to give her respect for being the first to compose herself in such a situation. "Agreed. Levran's final orders were to alert The Inquisitors. And by the Light's Strength, it shall be done." He said. The trio then began moving out through the wreckage and bodies to find their horses. Or any horses they could still use to return to the capital and deliver the warning. They walked nearly the entire span of the village, until they found several horses on a distant grassy field. "There!" Alicia shouted, pointing at the animals. Varkasan was beginning to feel the effects of fatigue, but still had enough focus to hear something behind him. It vaguely sounded like the snapping of bones, and the tearing of flesh. Turning around, Varkasan saw the bodies of their former Paladin allies beginning to repair themselves and stand up once more. "Alicia! Hey, look!" He shouted to alert his allies about the impending attack. Alicia responded quickly and began engaging their new foes. Zander took a bit longer to realize what was happening, but began fighting back with just as much strength. Not wanting to let his comrades fight for him, Varkasan began gathering his strength. Using his shield hand, he waved it over his sword, and did the same to the shield using his sword hand. Afterwards, both of his weapons were enveloped in an aura of light. He then quickly spun his sword, and pierced it into the ground before him him. Light flowed through the small cracks and touched his armor as the aura began covering him completely. "Divine Light... Defend me and my allies from thine unholy enemies..." He muttered as he assumed a battle-stance. He was trained with dealing with Necromancy. He had to be able to steel himself in order to fight his former allies. All he had to do was convince himself that they were no longer the people he once knew, they were now corrupted vessels who did the bidding of a dark master, and had to be relieved of their pain. The first undead who approached him was swiftly cut down clean through the middle with a horizontal slash. The next one met the same fate, with a decapitated head. The places where they were slashed immediately began burning up as Light spread through their bodies. Another undead Paladin came at him. Varkasan attempted to quickly defeat it, but it managed to put up a fight. It blocked his first attack and retaliated with its own, which was quickly intercepted by Vark's shield. He then followed up with a stab through the undead's chest, and kicked him away as the body began burning up and falling down lifelessly once more. Varkasan then had an idea. As the next undead Paladin came bearing down upon him, he stunned it first by bashing it's face with his shield, and then quickly resting his palm on it, but pulled it away just as quickly. He then proceeded to bash the creature once more with the shield, but this time with the intent of pushing it into a nearby advancing group. The undead toppled backwards, as cracks began showing through his body, with Light streaming out of it. "Your corrupted vessel... is now my Holy Flare!" Varkasan said as the undead began screeching, just before he exploded into a ball of light, scorching the entire group he was pushed into, putting an end to their puppet-like control. It was no reason to celebrate however, as the undead army was still as large as ever. Not to mention the fact that they were now surrounded, despite their best efforts. "If you have a divine power that is an area of effect type, would you mind using it right about now?!?" Zander said loudly as he set up a barrier to defend from the oncoming horde, but it would not last forever. Varkasan began picking up stones and discarded weapons from the ground, imbuing them with Light Energy, and turning them into Flares. He threw some stone debris at the horde through Zander's wall, causing small explosions, and leaving behind balls of light that slowly burned away at any undead that passed it (though not enough to kill them off completely). However, small objects did not have the intensity of large ones, such as a human corpse. He passed some of the Light-imbued, discarded weapons and armor pieces to Alicia and Zander. "Quickly! Throw these at them through the wall before they explode!" He ordered. His Flares would be able to thin out the undead by a margin, but not enough to clear them out completely. They needed a plan and fast. Just as Varkasan was contemplating that however, a sudden volley of Light arrows came falling from the sky, cutting a path through the horde straight to their horses. Varkasan turned to the source of the arrows, and saw a living Paladin with a spherical helmet standing on the roof of one of the buildings. "Aradus?! What are you still doing here?!" Varkasan shouted to his squadmate. "No time to talk! I've given you a clear path to the horses. Now RUN! I'll cover your escape! We'll meet up in the plains as we flee!" Aradus shouted as he stabbed an undead Paladin that attempted to climb to the roof of the building he was on top of. Varkasan turned towards his allies. "You heard him. Make for the horses!" He said as he ran through Zander's wall with his shield up on his front, and sword ready at his side, leading the way to their escape. Meanwhile, Aradus launched another small wave of Light Arrows to take down the undead that tried to close the distance on the group. Any ones that survived his arrows though,would have to be taken care of by the candidates.