The world is about to end. An early apocalypse has fallen upon the human race, caused by the vicious Demonata. The Demonata are a race of magical creatures who hate all living things, but humans they hate most of all. They revel in bloodshed, gorging themselves on weaker creatures whenever possible. They are grotesque little feinds, they lack originality wen designing their true forms,any of which happen to be a combination of disturbing earthly creatures all compiled into one hideous body. However, they are not true demons, they are creatures of magic. Some, known as demon masters, are. Magically speaking, they are to large to fit through the small portals that weaker demonata can pass through. However, a human Mage can open a large enough portal with a blood sacrifice and allow demon masters through. If one were to search the universe for true power, they would only find it among demon masters. Seeking the power they could gain by allowing demon masters through to earth, a group of evil mages, known as "The Insurrection" , opened five large gates at the exact same moment. As the first Demon Masters passed through, they saw the error in their ways, and they were slaughtered. The group of mages from the organization that defended the earth, the disciples, moved into the first gate located in London, England. They were quickly overpowered, and slaughtered as well. However, they managed to damage the dimensional anchor that held the portal in place, and the Demon masters were sucked back into their own dimension. However, powerful Demonata still remained and finished then off. Quickly, brutally, and horribly are the best words with which to describe the killing capability of the Demonata. Realizing they could be killed so easily, the mages recruited the help of military around the world. However, only magic can kill the Demonata, so while soldiers where slaughtered or simply delaying the Demonata, the mages cut power off to the portals. However, when they reached the final gate in Maryland, USA, the meteor demon masters had already gotten through. Every citizen on North America was wiped out, and the mages could not stop them. In a last ditch effort, they all sacrificed themselves and charged a single nuclear bomb with pure magical energy. Fifty mages lost their lives that day, but it was not in vain. The meteor demon was killed. However only about a dozen mages remained in the world. And the Demonata and demo masters still had free reign of a continent. They built up their forces and launched an assault upon Europe, slaughtering most of its human populace. The humans had been pushed back to Africa, Asia, and Austrailia, with no casualties on the side of the demonic. There was nothing that could be done. However, the dozen or so remaining mages may together and created a last ditch plan to win the war. Led by their leader, Conor Lecahee, a true magician (human of true magical ability) they traveled into te demonata's universe in order to find the blade of Oclwrus it was rumored to have the ability to wipe them all out. Name: Age: Magic specialization: fire, water, earth, air, light, dark, force ( ability to move objects, people, demons), arcane (summon creatures to do your will) Description: Nationality: Personality: History: Basic spells all mages know: heal, fly, breather ( allows to breath in different climates) Energy attacks. Keep in mind that magic is limitless, you're limited only by your creativity and power. Your specialization just happens to be the kind you're really good at.