Lyarea felt energy thrumming through her bones, like it did every night, and she shifted in her seat with some impatience. On moonless nights her muscles felt coiled and full of explosive power, and she knew she could dash for hours without ever slowing down. Tonight she simply had no need of sleep. She pulled back her hood and looked around at the audience to pass the time. No mask tonight; she had no plans to steal anything yet. The music stopped and Elizabeth walked onto the stage. Lyarea listened intently. She was not familiar with the history of Arcadia, and it sounded like a fascinating tale. Still, she thought the warrior king's ideas had some merit. [i]Excellent. My companion here maintains that the mage son was entirely correct, and I simply cannot get him to see reason. Would you like to assist in this matter? Maybe later,[/i] she thought as the curtain rose and the warrior king strode onto the stage. He was heavily armoured, with white in his hair and beard. He drew his sword, issuing his challenge to the kingdom. [i]A real blade,[/i] half the voices chorused. [i]Marvellous! The warrior is little more than a boy,[/i] the other half said. [i]The pretence hides his fair looks well. A match for you, chrysalis?[/i] Lyarea smiled despite herself. Perhaps she would talk to him later. For now, she leaned forward, eager to watch the oncoming duel.