Soulserenity20 said
@minarwar You'll have to PM me about the healing magic, as any form of body manipulation is considered to be very advanced magick :)
Wouldn't both of ours be pretty similar?
Soulserenity20 said
@minarwar You'll have to PM me about the healing magic, as any form of body manipulation is considered to be very advanced magick :)
Soulserenity20 said
Era ruin & draex, lovely posts, both of you ^.^ such talented writers!
Soulserenity20 said
Lol great, now I'm wasting my time on it. What's for supper draex?And why is college an "ugh"? Not enjoying your classes?
Soulserenity20 said
Lol don't worry, I struggle with time management too. Between my kid and my four courses and trying to keep up with household chores, things can get hectic, having a schedule realllllly helps me. This many hours for homework for this class. This many hours to clean, this many to play with little one. All that stuff XD