Leona was seated in a second-to-front-row seat to the play near the middle of the town, one hand holding onto the hand of a child she had met before (his name was something akin to Joseph, such as Jacob or Joshua), and the other hand covering her yawn. Though her body was tired, her mind was racing and her eyes were wide awake. She found it hard to contain her voice during the start of the play, but she managed to keep quiet, if only to hang on to every word the actors spoke. Her smile brightened indefinitely at the mention of her ancestor, Mère. [i]I'm glad they speak well of our Great Mother[/i], she thought. [i]I wonder which of Her brothers is responsible for the Haukka tribes... I hope it's the mage. He seems like an honorable, free man. A lot like the boys of our tribe. Especially a lot like my own brothers.[/i] Leona's mind didn't drift very far before her attention was drawn to the actors. A battle of sorts was obviously about to occur between the two men on stage, and she was anxious to learn how the fighting style differed from her own. She scooted to the edge of her seat, and she noticed that Joseph did the same.