[center]A mile out from Sentinel's Port 22th of Second Seed Sun's Dawn 2nd, Morndas[/center] Whenever Vanquisher Temijen looked around the deck of Samas Kul's floating seraglio, he had to suppress a sneer. He hated the lewd glided carvings, the companionways broad and easy to negotiate as any staircase on land, and every other detial where the shipwrights had forsaken spare, efficient utility in the favor of luxury and opulent display. To the aged redguards warrior sensibilities, the entire vessel irked him. But the ridiculous vessel had been chosen with comfort and awe in mind, not war. The ship rocked gently on the waves as the great sails easily took up the wind. The port of Sentinel had been abuzz with activity as Temijen's chosen vassal had departed. It had not taken him long to assemble an entourage to the Isle of Balfiera. Of his trusted retainers, one of them was ever loyal Khasta, an old, trusted, friend and comrade when Temijen had served in the Imperial Legion. He stood on the main deck issuing orders at that moment. His massive dwarven steel forged crossbow on his back, his long braided black hair touching the weapons tiller. Khasta had been among the many redguards to abandon the legion when it became clear the Empire had abandoned their home land. Most of the men on the ship, who were not sailors, were members of the Serpent Guard. Temijen's elite fighting force, a knight order he had funded and one who's fealty was owed directly to him. Their unwavering loyalty was matched only by their strength of arms, and Temijen could truthfully boast they were easily the greatest swordsmen in all of Tamriel. Almost all were veterans of the war for Hammerfell's independence when the Aldmeri Dominion had sought to take what was never theirs. Among them were the captain of his personal guard and the head of the order. Varnklith, a capable warrior and skilled leader to be sure, as well as being another personal friend to Temijen, the few men he could count on to always tell it as it was. Temijen was glad for the voyage for it gave him time to contemplate resent events and matters. News had reached him just before setting sail that there was rumored pirate activity near Stros M'kai, and evidence that the pirates may have hailed from Wayrest. Such implications were troubling, was this some rogue group or a calculated move on the part of Pirate Lord Ambrose? If so to what end? Temijen felt he might still turn this around to his advantage however, and this summit might prove the prefect chance to do so.