Jurgen nodded when Eve answered his question. She wanted to go look at stores, but she wasn't necessarily going to want to go into all of them. So they set off once more, hopefully for the last time that day. The cyborg led the way, as usual, and the pair made a relatively event-free trip to where they had just been. They passed a fight on the way, but that wasn't a big deal, people fought all the time. After ignoring them, the duo continued to their destination, reaching it in decent time, before settling into a pace more appropriate for shopping. They strolled by three places before finding the budget clothing store. Whether it was a like of the style, or a desire to curb Jurgen's expenses, Eve declared she wanted to go into this place. That was fine by the cyborg, who hadn't been looking forward to getting his robot fashionable clothing at sky-rocketing prices. So they went inside, and Jurgen poked around a little. Eve went off to find herself some outfits, and thankfully she didn't take very long about it, either. It only took half an hour for the android to pick out three outfits, which seemed pretty good to the cyborg, who had heard awful tales of women shopping for days to find just one outfit. Half an hour seemed pretty good to him, then. Ten minutes per outfit was so far ahead of the pack, the man couldn't help but smile. "Sounds good to me." he said, having glanced at a couple of price tags. Nothing was terribly expensive. "Let's go pay for that, then. And I'll show you where you can buy cigarettes on our way back." he added, leading the way to the checkout. As he had expected, the prices here were very reasonable, and Jurgen had no problem paying for anything. Then, handing Eve her bags of clothing, he led the way once again. The cyborg obviously wasn't used to so much leading, but he treated it just like walking someplace and it didn't seem too bad. And now they were off to their apartment to chill for a while. If there was one thing he was looking forward to, it was relaxing. Now that he had money, he could just relax. Not just yet, but very soon. Right now he had to pay attention so he could show Eve where to buy cigarettes. The cyborg pointed out a building, about half-way between the stores and their apartment. There were bars on the windows, and the door was obviously solid. "Right in there. They only sell smokes by the case, but they are a decent deal, and they don't cut their tobacco with anything. you'll pay more, but you get the quality you want." he said. That explained the security, since such a valuable commodity had to be protected. And now they could go home and just hang out. Or do whatever it was that technically unemployed people did when they had lots of money...