"What in the gods name" Kama uttered, observing the monstrosities conjured up at the rally of paladins. The two sides fought strongly, though eventually the dead remained so, for the sake of the two they scurried away before they could join them. Kama had managed to get enough details on their plan, he was a fool for not listening to the voice when he had heard it in the forest. Tosama nudged on his arm as he dazed, staring blank at a wall trying to process all the information he had gather. Things didn't look good for anyone right now, but what he had just concluded was a blessing and his will both at the same time. "The war is about to begin" He uttered in a dead, emotionless tone. "Whaa, what? what do you mean?" Tosama questioned, stepping back with her satchel in hand. "We need to leave now, should have listen to you and im sorry, I mean we are leaving right now" He reiterated, peaking around the sharp corner before starting his quick walk for the gate and out of ground zero.