On the cover in gold inlay are the words – How to handle the President
On each page is a list of rules, accompanied by a picture. Each page is in a plastic sleeve attached to the binder by three rings.
Page #
1) Do not baby the President. No matter what.
The words are in bold and above it is this picture
2) If you hear erratic thumping from his office, enter only with caution.
3) Do not be afraid to remind him of things, he will always forget something.
4) On long trips, make sure he has his bag at all time, otherwise he will lose it.
5) On the train, do not leave him alone in the dinning car.
6) On plane, take the window seat.
7) If you haven't seen him eat in over five hours, bring him some food and make sure he eats it.
8) When he breaks off into Japaneses, just wait til he's done and ask him to repeat it.
9) He never means it when he yells.
10) Don't ever let him have chocolate unless you are prepared for the consequences.
11) Good luck!
There are several more empty plastic sleeves with a sticky note on the top one -
Add more as you need to,