Across the street from a charming little bakery stood a Parisian girl dressed to the nines, in the midst of a laughable attempt at hiding. Her golden tresses and brightly colored apparel (her signature red bow especially) were in stark contrast with the overcast weather, and no matter how hard she tried, she somehow still stuck out like a sore thumb. She hid behind a telephone pole when she spotted a small brown-haired boy heading for the bakery, and again when a much taller and older man followed, but as dainty as she was, the pole couldn't cover her completely. It seemed neither had noticed her, luckily enough. When the coast was clear, Lucy stepped out from her hiding place and started pacing back and forth restlessly, taking solace in the sound she heard every time she stepped on fresh snow. Her hazel green eyes never once strayed from the fancy script that spelled out 'Le Pasteur' as she took shaky breaths to calm down. She knew it was ridiculous of her to be so apprehensive, but she allowed herself a rare moment of self-doubt. This was her first job ever, after all. Having anxiety was almost expected, especially when the only thing she was good at was telling her maids to do things for her. Lucy shoved her freezing hands in the front pockets of her pink coat, clenching and unclenching her fingers methodically until she could feel each one again. She gave herself only a few more seconds of cowardice. Three… two… one. [i]Now, enough of this foolishness.[/i] As if on cue, a steely, determined glint replaced the hint of terror that were once swimming in her eyes. She raised her head and pulled back her shoulders, and like magic, she looked and felt like a totally different person. If before she looked very much like a girl trapped in a foreign country, lost and confused and with no one to rely on, now she appeared ten times more self-possessed. Like she actually chose to travel thousands of miles across the sea just to offer custodial services in a local bakery. Crossing the street was surprisingly the hardest hurdle to clear. But once she finally did it, any previous apprehensions she had melted away like the last snow before spring. She pulled open the door with purpose and entered the bakery like she owned the place. Lucy was so intent on focusing on getting her introduction down perfectly that she didn't even bat an eyelash at the bizarre and chaotic state of the bakery. Instead of inquiring about all questionable things she'd spotted, she cleared her throat to get the other people's attention and smiled confidently in greeting. "Hello, I am Lucy Devereaux-Koshiba," she said, only a slight inkling of her French accent showing through. Remembering her lessons in Japanese etiquette, she dipped her head slightly in a bow before continuing. "I'm the new custodian. [i]Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.[/i]"