Yuu eyes opened as he laid in his bed. Sitting up he looked around his small a bit. To say it was nothing fancy was an understatement. A fridge and a couple of counters maid up his 'kitchen' no oven just a microwave and electric stove top. His bed didn't even have sheets, and was just a mattress on the floor and then there was an open door way leading into his small bathroom, and also no door. Reaching up he ran a hand through his colored hair looking over. Two bottles of whiskey laid next to his bed, one empty and on just about. Shrugging he grabbed that bottle that was nearly empty and lifted it up finishing it off. "two bottles in a night" he muttered some standing up looking around. Despite how much he drank last night he didn't really have a hang over, nor feel any different then any other moment, of course he wasn't drinking cause it was new years. No for him it was just another night. Moving over to his small kitchen he opened up his cuboard, It was filled with spices and food, going to his fridge he started to pull out some left overs, manly some Indian style curry with pigs feet. Opening it up he tossed it into his microwave and looked at his fridge full of leftovers. He tended to make large meals and then save them so he could just grab something pre-made. Waiting he pulled out his curry and started to munch down, loving the spiciness of it. Finishing his breakfast he grabbed his coat and threw it on pushing his hands into his pocket. Locking up he started to make his way to work. The sun was nowhere to be scene as he left his apartment, starting the walk to the bakery, he was going in earlier then he was supposed to be there, something about last night being a holiday but he didn't really care so he was going in at his normal time. Walking and listening to the crunch of snow under his boots he yawned some stopping to by some coffee and drinking it on his way the sun hadn't even rose yet. Becasue it was winter he couldn't ride his bike, and he didn't like trains so it took him a bit before he got to the bakery. He walked around to the back ally, pulling out his keys he opened the side door. He didn't have keys to the main door or anything, but since he was usually the first one here he needed to get in some how so he used the back, most days it didn't matter though, people always leave it unlocked. Once in side he slipped off his coat hung it up, pulled on an apron and started to get to work. It seemed that people though fresh baked goods just showed up every morning forgetting that some one has to make them. So he started to turn on ovens, pulling out dough that was already prepared and rising from the day before he started working. As hours went by he heard the main doors being opened, some people talking as he was pulling morning pastries out of the oven. "well looks like solitude is over" he said walking to the front of the store with a tray to set out. He opened the door to the back from behind the counter and looked over at the scene. He was one of the tallest people working, just over six feet and his red colored hair up in a mohawk made him appear even taller. "Hey you guys know this is a mother ***** business right. We open in a bit." He sounded angry, but then Yuu always sounded angry and looked angry, well he was simply an angry person but as long as you left him alone he didn't have any probem with you. He placed the tray into the glass display case turning over looking at the small group that was forming "kiku I have more trays to come out mind giving me a hand with this" personally he liked kiku, mostly cause he seemed a bit quite, and he leaves him alone. It was then he noticed the woman laying on the ground as he was blinking a bit "our Fearless leader" he said turning and muttering something as he walked into the back room to grab more trays to bring out.