Lila-sama was a bit of an idiot. Who just lie on the floor like that? Honestly, as Kiku scoffed at his wonderful boss as he looked at the state of the place. It was a chaotic mess! What the hell did they do last night? He was gonna ask Kuyu. He then shook his head as he watched his only only custodian lick the strawberry coulis on the floor oozing on the floor. Sticky and wet, Lila was not as amused as people though she would be. With a short sigh and cute yawn, she got up slowly, wiping any dust on her black skirt. Kiku glance to his left to find a girl, a cute one at that. "[I]Hora hora.[/I] There's someone here." Lila looked at the said girl and smiled."Saka-kun, that has had probably grape juice mixed with it, which is why it tastes different. But enough with that, Kiku-kun, Yuu-chan and Saka-kun meet Koshiba-dono. She will be the new custodian so I want you Saka-kun to show her ropes okay?" She said winking as she pointed at the porcelain doll in front of them. "Koshiba-dono, [i]gambatte desuyo![/i]" She did a little cheering pose as she said that. Soon she saw Alexia come through the door. With a wry smile, she scratched the back of her head. "Unfortunately, today I have to be somewhere extremely important, so Kiku-kun be sure take of the place. Megumi-chan will come in later so don't worry about too much. Hehe! [i]Jan ne minna![/i]" With that Lila disappeared through the front door, unaware of her less then pristine state. Soon she saw her other new employee, Alexia. "Kiku-kun is going to have his hands full.". With that Alexia popped through the door, Kiku knew the girl, bad at Japanese, screwing up alot at her interview but she would be a good Cashier. Well, she said Oyasumi, that's pretty normal for a foreigner. Waving politely he watched as the girl went to the locker room. "Hah, Lila-sama's so weird. Um... Anyways, I-i'm Kunazumi Kiku, I-I'm a supervisor for the day, The man next to me is Watanabe-san, the other girl who just came by was Areshi- I mean, Alexia-san. W-watanabe-san will be be your guide for the day, I w-will be baking in the back, please call me if you need help!" He bowed a bit frantically, then he turned to the taller man next to him. "Watanabe-san, please, may you and Koshiba-san clean this mess up? If we don't the store won't be presentable.". "Kiku, I have more trays to come out, Mind giving me a hand?" Kiku jumped at the deep voice behind him. Realizing Yuudai was her he replied with, "Hai! [i]Matte wo kudaimase[/i]! I need to help the new employees!". With that he bowed again and ran off to go help the man in desperate need. "Hey teme, what else can I do?" then he had to turn around, knowing who that was. "E-eh? Ah... Um... ." Then he heard something that he said to his little mouse. "Actually, you can go eat for now, I believe there's some cheese and bacon rolls in the back." He offered with a meek smile and a cute blush on his face. He wasn't stuttering, so he was faking the cuteness. The little jackass. [hider=Translations][i]Hora, hora.[/i]= Hey, hey. [i]Gambatte desuyo![/i]=Make sure you do your best! [i]Matte wo kudaimase[/i]=Please give a me a minute![/hider]