Arisu mumbled as light began slipping through the windows and a few birds could be heard chirping outside. She slowly pushed herself up, onto her hands and then suddenly fell down again. "Owww..." She clenched her head and shut her eyes. [i]Why does my head hurt so much...? I can't remember anything![/i] Arisu began panicking a bit and quickly shook her head. She pulled the curtain that separated her side of the room from her brothers' and noticed their futons were already put away. Arisu packed her futon away in the closet and slowly walked out of the room, continuously losing balance and grabbing the wall for support. She knew what this was, or at least could assume. Last night was a New Years party... With Lila-sama at the very least. After entering the main room, she opened her mouth to speak. "Ah... Good mor-" Arisu was suddenly cut off. "WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?? YOU CAME HOME COMPLETELY WASTED!!!" Her brothers yelled in unison. She flinched at the sudden noise and her ears began ringing. "Agh, please quiet down!" She requested and plopped down on her knees in front of the kotatsu. [i]Ahh, so warm![/i] Her brothers frowned at her lack of responsibility from the night before and sighed. "Arisu," her oldest brother began. "What were you thinking?! Not only did you drink as a minor, but you came home by yourself too! What if something happened on your way home!?" He began to speak frantically. Arisu sighed more heavily and began to apologize. "You're right... Gomenasai..." She moved to the side a bit and bowed down, over-exaggerating just a little so her brothers would finally leave her alone. A tiny dog then appeared from the narrow, kitchen hallway and hopped onto Arisu's lap. "Omu! Ohaiyou!" She abruptly lightened up her mood and began rolling around with her Shiba Inu. They named him Omu because on the first day they brought him in as a stray, his bark sounded like "omu omu!" Arisu smiled at the thought and stood up. "Alright, I'm gonna head out. I want to see if the New Years festivals are still going on," she informed and then returned to her room to change. She slid on a light blue dress, pulled on a pair of white stockings, a coat, and then wrapped a warm scarf around her neck without bothering to pull her hair out from underneath. She passed back through the main room and grabbed a small bag before opening the door. "Ittekimasu," Arisu said quietly. "Itterasshai!!~" Her brothers over-enthusiastically yelled and waved as the door closed. The cold air filled the atmosphere. Arisu shivered a little to adjust to the sudden change in temperature from her apartment. She began walking down the fairly steep stairs and then away from her small apartment building. The snow made the scenery very bright, and Arisu had to squint to see properly. While taking her time following the sidewalk, she spotted a familiar face. "Kitabatake-san...?" She only really knew her as an acquaintance and co-worker. Arisu had to admit, the rumors she heard around school slightly got to her as well. Although she was too far away to hear, Megumi stopped when encountering a couple of girls that Arisu recognized from school. [i]Ah, I can already tell what's going to happen here...[/i] She sighed and continued walking. [i]Well, either way, it's not my problem.[/i] Arisu shoved her icy hands in her coat pockets, realizing she forgot to put on gloves. While detouring around the park to get to the festival area quicker, she noticed Megumi again. [i]Another coincidence, huh?[/i] Arisu exhaled a breath of warm air into the cold and watched as it quickly disappeared. She then made her way to the playground and swing set. Without saying a word, she took a seat on the second swing. After a little bit, she began to speak. "I-it's pretty cold today, huh?" Arisu began conversing with a pretty lame start. [i]Of course it's cold you idiot.[/i]