He heard Kiku-san said about cheese and bacon rolls and how he can eat them. He looked at Nezu and whispered again. “Seriously? Work to eat?…Teme oh well…Hai!” he shouted as he was going to enter the back room. Sakaki-san, a custodian he guessed, he look at him as Sakaki waved at him and the other bakers he felt like he was looking at Nezu in bad way. “Fu***** teme…”He mumbled lightly as he entered the back room. He looked for the rolls and was lucky enough to find them. Grabbing one cheese and one of bacon he sat down at broke the cheese roll in half. “Here Nezu.” He gave his little friend a half of the roll. Nezu was a cute brown mouse, he always like Nezu when he found him eating his dinner before and kept him…he was his only friend. The little mouse nibble on the roll, “Oishi right? Of course…we’re willing to eat anything…” He finished the half of the cheese roll, with the bacon roll he ate quickly too, no breakfast…Standing he did needed to do some work…what eat for money that is so not happening. He walked out of the backroom and really asked. “Hey, seriously…I need to do something or else I won’t get paid…teme….”