Headache. That was what came into Kikuyu's mind in the first place, a heavy hardcore headache. Dammit how much did he drink? Is this what it felt like to be an adult, if so then he'll pass. Getting up from his futon, he walked out groggily from his catastrophic sleeping area. Yawning loudly, he stretched his back and his neck and decided to get some aspirin. "Kiku's probably at work, so what should I do..." Kuyu wondered out loud. Bored and tired, he was thinking of just going back to bed but that would be even MORE boring. "Well, who the hell cares if I'm 17, I'm gonna go live up some memories!" Pumping his fist in the air, he went out to wash his face and brush his teeth before literally kicking the door open and charging towards the snow in his t-shirt and jeans no less. To the park he goes, the cold was the absolute best, refreshing and crisp, nothing could beat the cold. Well, weird thing was that he saw two pretty girls, both whom he worked with. "Konichiwa omaetachi!" He greeted out cheerfully, despite the rude version of you, then again he always used it so he didn't really care. "Arisu-chan, you okay? You were pretty groggy last night! Tastuyoshi and I had to drive you home! Gahahahaha!" Kuyu might have a hangover, he still could remember what happened last night. The he gave an almost flirtatious wink to her, possibly hinting at her actions the night before. Then he turned to Megumi, she wasn't there last night, a sight that was rare. Giving a stern face, he pointed. "Where were you? You missed out on all the fun Megumi-chan! I swear, everyone was tipsy and Lila was creating a fake murder scene so she could scare the living hell out of my brother! You should've been there! Haha!" With a toothy grin, he pointed at the festival stalls that were still up. "You know, we could have some fun, our shifts don't start till waaaaaay later, so come on!" If this was an anime, Kuyu would have one of those peppy and upbeat type of background music. Sadly it wasn't so they had to stick to the sound of Kuyu's annoying voice.