A bit shocked that both of them actually said yes, his face softened, looking a little more normal than usual. With a smile more suited to his twin brother he spoke, "Hehe. Well that's good, I was kinda worried about you two. Both of you don't really talk to me or any of the workers. To me, I understand but to everyone else..." He voice was a lot more quieter and sweeter. A rarity? No not really, it his usual tone of voice for conversing with people. Smiling, he gestured them to follow him. Walking through the snow to the festival stalls only a few meters away, it seemed like something. Something familiar, like from a story long ago. Who cared about that though? He was walking with two girls, he was gonna make conversation at some point. "Ne, Kitabatake-chan, how is your mother, Kasumi-sama, doing? If I remember correctly, Kiku once trained under her, well when his hair was down at least." He said out rather casually. "Oh, Arisu-chan, you said I could last night, I asked you a question and you were like, "Don't call me Fukuzawa, just call me Arisu."." Kuyu addressed the unanswered question with a mischievous wink on his baby-face. His brother on the other hand, wasn't doing too well. There was pounding music and next thing you know comes along a blonde young man, with that same aura as Kuyu. Just great. He said something about a blowout party, right.This must be the new delivery boy. Looking up with his hazel eyes he answered and instructed with, "Unfortunately, th-there was. A-anyways, Takanori-san... Welcome, please go to the locker and g-get changed. Um... I'll meet with you shortly." Kiku replied with almost a annoyed tone as his eyebrow started to twitch. Then came the mouse lover, "Hey, seriously, I need to do something or I won't get paid... Teme." Kiku was seriously going to punch something in the face. How rude was he? Putting on the most believable smile he could with a slight blush at that he said, "Kiske-kun, I wish for you to quickly bake the breakfast menu as we are about to open. Please grant my request. N-now excuse me..." With a cute little bow, he had to go to the back and go help Kaito-san, though the guy seemed scary, he couldn't compare to Kiku's angry wrath. "Kaito-san, u-um... Can you please start on the pie and sausage rolls? Extra will b-be needed as we have a huge order for them... Please start on that as soon as possible." Hoping the redhead heard his request he went to the counter wiped his forehead. He was going to punch something, his anger shown through the broken pen in his hand.