Were all jobs like this…? Lucy tried to keep a hold on the courage she'd just gotten back, but it was proving difficult. She felt too much like a fish out of water, and as more and more of the baker's employees dropped by to start their shift, she started wondering whether she would fit in. Le Pasteur's motley staff wasn't at all what she imagined them to be. She thought it would mostly consist of warm and inviting people, dressed in frilly aprons and armed with sweet smiles. At the very least, they were like that at the high-end pastry shops she regularly visited in Paris. Lucy jumped slightly when a very tall boy appeared from the back, seemingly very angry as he told off the other employees. Her eyes trailed up and lingered on his mohawk, and one could see the fascination sparkling in her eyes. Cool! He looked like one of those delinquents from the gang show she watched! She wondered if he was a baker and smiled, amused at the image of the ferocious-looking redhead carefully making heart-shaped pastries. Her eyes then drifted to the smaller boy that came not long after him, and her eyes widened at the sight of the creature perched on his shoulder. "On your shoulder!" she shrieked, prepared to jump on the boy and swat the rodent away, when she saw him smiling down at it. Before she had a chance to ask about it, the older man she saw earlier this morning was already wheeling her away and started telling her all about her new job. If he didn't mind the rodent, maybe she was merely overreacting? Ah! Could it be that the mouse was an employee as well? Just like in that Ratatouille movie. Lucy grinned to herself, suddenly feeling excited about this new endeavor. She was experiencing and learning about so many new things. How fun~ Lucy followed Sakaki obediently, taking to heart everything he was telling her. Cleaning was a lot more complicated than she thought! The maids back home made it seem so easy. She slipped on the gloves she was handed without complaint, but she was obviously more excited when she saw the older man take out a pair of apron. The pink frilly one matched her outfit perfectly! The disappointment in her face was obvious when she was given the plain white one instead. It seemed you have to earn your way to the cute aprons. Challenge accepted! Resolute, she gave the older boy a salute and marched back outside, ready to begin her first task.