Waiting about a minute for the water in the cart to fill half way, he pulled out the top magazine from his pile. The very simplistic rainbow sprinkle and icing birthday cake looked delicious right about now, even if it was probably overly sweet...his thoughts then shifted over the Koshiba-chan had on her face when she looked at his apron. It was his personal apron, one he had been given from 'that' bakery before coming to work here. In his head, the likely conclusion for her reaction was that she didn't think such a thing fit him, or maybe she didn't like pink frilly aprons...ah, but that didn't matter much to him, such a difference in opinions. Twisting the valve shut, he reached over to a tray on the cart and pulled out the one bottle on it. A non-toxic (ish) soap that was pretty good with stickiness and/or greasiness…it was practically a shampoo. Unscrewing the cap and pouring a little bit of the clean liquid into the water, Sakaki stuck his mop into the cart’s bucket, swishing it around a bit, mixing it. In fact…detaching the bucket from the cart; he picked it up and carried it out of the small space. Walking through the back, he could smell the scrumptious scents of the morning’s baked good, something that made him glad for having already eaten his own breakfast. It didn’t seem like they’d be prepping any cake yet, anytime soon. Waiting for his new little helper to pick up the sugar glass pieces, since they couldn’t just be mopped up so easily, he couldn’t help but eye a certain shoulder riding mouse...and notice Kiku. There was something…on an almost business-training-related-esque hunch, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his key ring. Going over the keys, key to his apartment, his janitor keys, his car keys, a few locker keys…there was also a mistletoes charm…and finally a donut shaped stress reliever. The donut was a chocolate icing sort of paint scheme, a gift from a former college back then...he always hated it back then, and kept it with him for the sake of being bitter. Detaching the squishy donut, Sakaki waved for the younger boy's attention before tossing it to him, “Catch.”