Well here goes this is one of my favorite characters from Soul Eater :D. (Going with anime version as I have not been able to get a hold of the manga series.) Name: Free Age: Unknown Appearance: Human: [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130529214237/souleater/images/9/9c/Free.png[/img] :Werewolf: [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130129183611/narutofanon/images/thumb/2/22/Soul-Eater-Free-1024x576.png/320px-Soul-Eater-Free-1024x576.png[/img] Personality: Free is ironically silly and is often reasonably comedic in his thoughts and actions. When he was able to escape Witch prison, he explained to Eruka that while in jail, he devised a plan to escape. This plan involved Free attempting to dig a tunnel under the cell's wall with a spoon. Free came up with this idea out of inspiration from movies he had seen, to which he had always had thought that the concept was very "cool". This plan, however, is foiled on account that the prison would only serve food that only required chopsticks to eat with. Free is also reasonably foolish and even he acknowledges it, stating that he is isn't very good at coming up with ideas. When Eruka suggested that Free could have escaped Witch prison by urinating on the prison bars so they would corrode and rust over time, Free, upon realization of how simple the concept was, bashed his head against a nearby tree, calling himself an idiot. However, he has shown he is capable of cunning. During the attack on Shibusen he used an illusionary duplicate to delay Kid and Blackā˜†Star. He has also managed to steal one of Mabaa's eyes, implying he was previously much more skilled than he is at current, likely due to his 200 year incarceration. He also has been shown to have an incredibly bad sense of direction. During Operation Charge Baba Yaga's Castle, Free was assigned to destroy a Lock in Baba Yaga's castle's second tower, but instead, ended up in tower 8, the tower on the complete opposite side of the Castle. Free responds to the realization in much the same way as he had done when Eruka had mentioned another cliche for Free to escape prison. Free overall doesn't seem to like when others draw attention to his mistakes. When he fought against Maka and Soul in London, he accidentally hits himself with his own attacks on two occasions as a result of not having fought in over 200 hundred years. He tries to avert the attention of his opponents by saying that everything is okay, and that there is nothing of interest to see. When he feels as if he is in debt to someone, Free always likes to repay the person he believes he is in debt to. Upon first meeting the Witch Medusa, Free almost immediately asks Medusa how he can repay her for breaking him out of prison. At first, Medusa purposefully tests Free, saying that he doesn't have to repay her, to which Free persists in asking that he do so. Luggage: Nothing except for money and a spare change of clothes which are identical to what he's wearing. Bio: Two hundred years ago, Free stole the Grand Witch Mabaa's eye. He then fought the Grand Witch, which is when Mabaa discovered that no matter how much effort she put into it, she could not successfully kill Free on account of his immortality. Mabaa, however, used an alternate strategy in defeating Free, and instead of killing him, she was able to restrain him and have Free locked up in Witch Prison for life. Free became famously known among Witches as "Prisoner 13, The Man with the Demon Eye". In order to ensure Free never escaped, Mabaa personally kept the key to Free's cell in her room. Affter everything he ends up yet again in witch prison being sentence to death one-thousand times due to him being immortal and not able to actually die. Free has managed to escape again thinking he can hide out at this beach resort. Alpha or Omega: Omega. Abilities: Immortality: As an immortal, Free is unable to die, being able to survive fatal wounds and regenerate in mere moments. This also slows his aging to a halt, having spent 200 years in Witch Prison without any problems from imprisonment. The downside is that while he can survive any form of harm, he is still capable of feeling pain. Due to years of experience however, he has a high threshold for it. This does not mean he cannot die. Attacks such as the Witch-Hunt have shown to be able to do permanent damage and kill Immortals. Magic: Free has also demonstrated the use of Ice Magic and Spatial Magic, which combined with the immortality he possess, makes him a substantial threat. Though initially rusty from his time in prison, Free has shown that he is adept at manipulating magic for all its intents and purposes, whether this be offensive or defensive. It's currently unknown magic was his natural skill or he got it by stealing Mabaa Demon Eye. His chant for magic is "Wolf Wolves Wolf Wolves." (Hopefully the only time he uses magic is just when he shows off lol.)