[hider=Fort layout]This is the basic layout. Large castle like building with several smaller building(exp. stables, extra houses, etc.) These are not the actual building, just a layout example. [img]http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/15/14874/borderfort.png[/img][/hider] The Count's fort was a horrendous mess in terrible shape and coated in dust and debris. There was potential in the fort, though who knows how long it will take to get in working condition. Tiberious and Saberia were not the only ones showing up however, as a large portal had opened in the large courtyard by the front gate. Most of the walls were half the size they once were, broken from what seemed like years of battle. As for the fort, it was mostly intact though with are the holes and cracks, it might crumble with any more weight in it. The ground in the courtyard and surrounding area was broken up dirt with bits of grass scattered. A fort like this could be of hardly any use for almost anyone, but mages were not just anyone. They all stared at the fort, wondering if it was even worth trying, puzzling looks on many of their faces. Tiberious grinned. "This place is perfect." Saberia glanced at him, noting his smirk like grin. A loud commotion begin near the front gate as a crowd began to gather. "I don't take orders from anyone, you slime." A hooded figure stated, fire gathered in his palm. The man was the recipient of the remark stood across from him, a sword in one hand. "Well, heathen, someone as to take command." A roar of a laugh erupted from the crowd, causing many to look Tiberious' way. The hooded figure glared, a scowl look twisted his face, "What is so damn funny?!" he screeched. TIberious took several steps toward the center, still chuckling as he gathered himself. "You see... this is just the reason I never work with lesser beings." The hooded man's face turned a vibrant red, matching the fire in his hand. "Why...you...What makes you better than everyone here?" the flame he held began to pulse. Tiberious turned to face his accuser, "Well, I have a simple question for you, how many paladins have you...ANY of you killed? I bet you could use one hand to count." The crowd talked among themselves, "I bet is more than you." Tiberious removed his hood, revealing his young face that seemed to show ages of wisdom and battle, though there were no physical marks. "I would tell you if I knew the number, but I stopped counting long ago. It has been my goal, MY MISSION, to end the paladin's reign and to make them suffer." Then someone from the crowd raised their voice, "Wait, I knew you looked familiar. You're the Terror of the South aren't you? I thought you were killed?" After several seconds of whispering, the group grew silent. "Well, I have not heard name in quite some time. Glad to know that name still carries some weight." The hooded figure took a step closer, his rage now in full effect. "You are the Terror of the South, the man responsible for the deaths of over hundred paladins in a one year span... and the destruction of several towns and villages." Tiberious did not respond. [b]"You killed my family, destroyed my village. It was because of you at an army of paladins came swooping through, killing or taking any they thought knew magic or of the Terror."[/b] his words were heavy with pain and anger, his flame had traveled to coat his entire arm now. "I should kil-" the man stopped, his face now showing shock. A black arrow which seemed made of an ooze of some kind, stuck out his stomach. After staring from several seconds, he reached to go pull out the arrow. As his hand started to wrapped around, the arrow faded away, leaving only the wound where it struck. "Be grateful I don't kill you now, scum at rests on the bottom of my grieves." The man placed a hand over the wound as blood began to work its way out. Tiberious turned to the crowd, "Now, we can figure out who will do what later. What we need to do now is fix this arse of a fort up. We were given a gift, lets us it," he paused for a moment, watching as most mages had gathered to see what was going on. All their eyes were on Tiberious, waiting like puppies for what would come next. "The walls need to be risen, the gate repaired, this... fort, if it can be called that, returned to a former glory. Once that is done we can start bring in supplies as what ever else we need. When this place is up and running, then we can discuss our next move." Tiberious raised a fist into the air, "We will no longer be treated like garbage, thrown out and hunted for out abilities. [b]RISE UP, MAGES! Rise and lets us replace hope with fear. Every light has a shadow, and the paladins light has created a very large shadow."[/b] Everyone raised their fist in response, hollering cheers of hate and anger toward the paladins. After everyone had their fill, the mages began to work, using either their bodies or magic. Thanks to magic, repairs will not take as long as anyone would think it would take to fix this decrypted fort. Though because of the state of this place, it will still be quite a while before the fort would be useful. Tiberious and Saberia headed inside the fort, the large double doors squeaking as the slowly swung open. The first room they entered was a large with large pillars lining a walkway toward a set of wide stairs. The pillars rose several stories high, some how still holding the roof from falling in. "This must be the main hall... looks like the stairs split when they hit the back wall and go up left and right, leading to the balcony." Saberia said nothing, just in awe of the main building interior. There were several hallways on the ground floor, leading a kitchen, a barracks, storage rooms, and servant quarters. The hallways on the second floor balconies lead to different parts of the fort. A empty library lay one way, several large living quarters a couple ways, and even a lab of sorts for alchemy. Tiberious noticed a hidden doorway that led under the stairs, [i]Probably to a secret lair... maybe a torture room and treasure room.[/i] A set of double door were on either side of the stairway, both leading to the same hallway. At one end, a door that lead down, under the fort to a large, empty room once used magic training. At the far end, a set of double doors that led to a war/throne room, a place where people of power gathered to discuss important topics and where the ruler would meet people in private when he/she was not in the main hall. The only other door in the room was behind the throne, leading to a bedroom where the ruler more than likely stayed. They spent the next hour or so exploring, not really talking much as the took in everything. Finally, as the entered the war room, Saberia broke the silence, "That was some speech you gave." Tiberious ignored her, studying the stone throne and table. "Did you ever think that you should lead-", "Listen, I am a strategist, not a leader. I saw that someone needed to step up and get these mongols working." Saberia stood near the door they entered, holding one arm behind her back. "I think you are lying to yourself because don't want to lead this." "Be quiet maiden, we will discuss anything you want later." Tiberious headed into the bedroom, nodding his head, "This will do." Saberia followed in, studying her new friend. "So, Terror of the South, what will you do next?" she asked playfully. "I am not sure, need time to plan and think. Let me mediate, let no one in the previous room or this room." Saberia nodded, taking one last look at Tiberious before shutting the door.