Yuu's eyebrow twitched as he brought a hand up rubbing the bridge of his nose "bakas" he muttered before looking back up. The new girl was kind of just, staring at him with un odd look in her eye, "the the **** is her problem" he thought to him self as more and more people arrived. He honestly didn't even know half of there names, nor did he really care. But the mouse boy was the one who most caught his attention "Will you at least hide that damn rodent before I chop it's mover ****ing head off. This is a place that serves food we can be shut down" He was more then agitated at this point, and un like kiku he didn't bother hiding it. Returning to the back kitchen he started grabbing trays of pastries, bringing them out and placing them in to the glass containers as he looked over at Kiku" Yea I know, that is why it's already started, most of the pies are cooling right now and the sausage rolls are in the oven. I read the order sheets every morning before I start, and you would be amazed how much can get done before everyone starts coming in." Despite his looks Yuu was a very dedicated employee, and also one of the only ones who seemed to take things seriously "most of the breakfast menu is already done as well, the hell do you think all these trays are" He said lifting the two he had in his hands before placing them in the glass display case. "what do these people think I do so early in the morning" he thought to himself as he re-entered the kitchen. He had been working at the bakery for the better part of a year now, and the morning routine hasn't changed at all. He new what had to come out and when. Once those doors the kitchen closed though he smiled, it was like a mute button as one of the oven's dinged and the sausage rolls were done. He put on some mits and pulled them out setting them on the cooling rack, where a bunch of pies were sitting, the racks were even tapped up with the name of the order on them for when they would get boxed up people would know which ones they were. He moved over to another area putting his bare hand over the large grill. Bending down and adjusting some nobs so it would be the right temperature incase any one ordered breakfast sandwhiches. There was another ding and he smiled moving over to an oven and pulling out some cup cakes. They were pinapple rum cakes with rum bakked in them. He had the frosting, which was coconut rum frosting, for his pino colada cupcakes already made as he pulled out the mixing bole checking as the frosting was just the right texture and cremeness. "Oh I can not wait to try these" he said starting to fill a frosting bag as those cup cakes cooled.