"Someone is begging for their just desserts, and I haven't even begun to serve the main course." Shirogane inhaled deeply after saying that, his tone full of irritation. His anger was a strange type of anger befitting the kind of character he played at; the type a well-dressed gent with a stick up his ass might show. It didn't show in his expression or tone so much as it was a palpable wrath swelling inside him, like his every muscle was tensing up, or how you might notice a certain vein throbbing or a twitch of the brow that belied his hidden frustration. He tucked his phone away before filling in Ikeda and the rest, "Tak's been captured...I assume by Strega...unless they're bluffing we should probably go rescue him, but of course we're playing right into their hands if we do that. I don't see how we have very much choice in the matter, so...off we go. Or I would say that except he didn't give me much information other than 'we have your friend, kukukukuku....' Although he did say 'keep your eyes open and use your heads'...any idea what that means? Besides the obvious..."