Sonic's relaxation was interrupted when he saw people in suits bringing in luggage. "Whoa whoa whoa what the fuck is this? Why are you assholes bringing in this shit? This is my beach house." He said. Sonic decided to call up room service in which he got some bad news. "What?! What the fuck you mean I gotta share this? Whole reason I came here was to get away from rich assholes.....and assholes in general." Delsin was finishing up setting up his room. He put up and rechargeable neon light on the wall his rechargeable video player on the night stand. He would mainly use them to switch between his powers. As for smoke and concrete, well he would a way to get those. Delsin heard someone come in and decided to check it out. He saw a platinum blond haired lady standing right by the front door. "You might wanna hurry and choose a room before all the good ones are taken. Get the one across from me. Beautiful view of the beach." Delsin spoke as he was coming down the stairs.