Main Hall Marie had yet to notice the power of her blasts had gone down since last time, thinking that she nearly scored a fatal hit on the samurai. "Heh. Don't you have any magical power what so ever dis donc!" Wait, didn't she just speak french?.... "Fine then I will deliver the final blo-, Gah!" Jumping back from the blade, though the blood splattered across her. "Getting me dirty again?!" Spinning around she went for a powerful momentum filled kick, which she hoped would get him away, though her leg stayed out like she was exspecting something.... "n'est-ce pas?....." Looking back she saw the speakers behind her struggling to move up, from the lack of magical power that was now leaving her body, the blood acting like a dampener. "W-What is going on?!" Looking back she kept trying to pull up the speakers but it wasn't working, and soon she was forced to move backwards away from the samurai. "Damn, what did you do?!" She asked and if he did try to explain she would reach back behind her and pull out.... A button! Pressing it three tubes around the stage, that looked to be lights started to sink into the stage. "It is fine either way, I will just power it with the Lacrima I save for when I get tired. Fufufufufu" The machine one again roared into life from the influx of power, it even sparking form the sheer amount of magical fuel that it was now using. "Now it ends! Sound Magic: Base Finisher!" She flung out her hand and clicked her fingers... However at that moment a look of shock overcame her face as speakers started to pop up on the front of the stage and face her!!! The power they were building up was aimed right for the stage which would destroy the stage and kill her in the process. "Oh dear...." --- Only the viewer can see this: Suddenly a little notice board pops up and Beatrix. "Let me explain. By cutting off Marie's magical 'signal' as it were, the machine is unable to follow her directions, and so what little magical power she still has coming from her has made her a target. That is all." With a bow they both leave --- Left Hallway Aerandir & Kitsune Collab When the kid asked if that was his most powerful attack, he said nothing...the kid was cocky. Hector watched as the axe was thrown at him, He dodged it by stepping to the left, keeping his eyes on the kid. Suddenly the kid shot like a bullet at Orin. Landing on Orins fist so to speak. Then launching himself toward his axe. Hector quickly sheathed his sword before jumping towards the Axe as well. Coming from the kids side now, As he got close His arms turned to ice and a white mist of cold air surrounded them. He aimed his punch for the kids face before he reached his axe Bull's eyes went wide as Hector jumped towards him, as he did not exspect him to follow the axe right back to his hand! "D-Damn it!" Suddenly a wave of pure force burst out from the impact zone where Hector hit. However, standing before him was no longer the child that he was trying to attack, but a huge giant with its feet suddenly on the ground! Its forearm had been brought up to block the attack, and with its footing suddenly firm it was a easy task. "Powerful indeed!" Bulls voice was now loud and deep from the growth. Pushing away his arm he attempted to get Hector to the ground as his axe flew past him and into the ground behind him. "Forcing me to push my Muscle Magic, I commend you on your power!" A loud thump followed by Bull's surprised expression down to where the impact hit; it was Orin with chain covered fists that had taken the chance to ram his fist into the guys side! Jumping back to avoid a counter Orin stood beside Hector. "If you remember, you are fighting two of us, not just one..." Hector was surprised when he now saw this giant infront of him. He jumped back as the bull tried to push him to the ground, he could feel the strength coming from him now. The bull commented on his power. Which only made him smile inwardly he didn't even use his full strength in the punch. suddenly he saw Orin come in and punch him in the side though it didn't seem to effect him much. He then said to the Bull that he is fighting two not one. Hector glanced at Orin next to him and said under his breath. "I'll go right, drawing his attention go left and trip him up or bind him up some how. Keep his focus divided. " he said before bolting towards the bull and with great speed he jumped and punched again. But he really wasn't aiming for the face but to the right of the face, hopefully causing the bull to move to the side and turn his head to follow Hector. He then landed and spun around and yelled "ice dragon wing attack!" Both of his arms misted again and as he swung his arms ice blasted from them and toward the bull trying to keep his focus on Hector Bull smirked as Hector jumped at him with a full on attack, causing him to cross his arms and deflect the punch away from his face, though he did not know that was the guys plan and soon faced him and started throwing punches, their sheer power breaking the ground with each strike. "Yes! Now this is power! So much fun! Hahahahah!" Just as the mist was gathering Orin was rushing off behind the guy, ready to deliver the finishing blow at the moment that Bull attempted to avoid or block Hector's next attack.However, at the moment he got into place Bull smirked, spinning around like a ballet dancing, a glittering shine in her eye as a almost invisible string got pulled which caused the axe embedded into the ground to come spinning back, blocking Hector's attack and freezing it in place! Using the momentum of her spin Bull gave a full power punch right into Orin's midsection, sending out a shock wave that dented the ground where he stood, kicking up dust in the process. "Marie taught me a few powerful moves. Heheheh,.. I also took your advice, now you are finished an-, Huh?!" Bull tried his best to remove his hand, but struggled doing so and was looking down in shock to Orin who had a little blood dripping from his mouth. "Chain Magic: Net & Anchor"..The chains were mebedded into the ground to stop him from moving while the net that he cast crawled up and bind Bull to the spot. "Hector, NOW!" Hector had blocked every attack with his forearms from the bull he would never admit it but the bull blows were indeed powerful... His forearms were throbbing when he started his wing attack. When he launched it he was surprised by the ballet move and his attacked was blocked as he pulled his axe out of the ground somehow and used it to deflect it. And with out missing a beat spun and delivered a powerful blow to Orin's stomach. "ORIN." He let out winced in sympathetic pain. The bull started going on about how he learned that move but stopped suddenly when he noticed he was stuck. Hector only grinned as he heard the chain spell come from Orin's lips. He was already moving towards them as he yelled "HECTOR NOW!"He launched himself over the bull grabbing the head of him to help him pivot in the air and land right infront of him between him and Orin. The cold mist now surrounding all of Hector. "I can't have you touching Beatrixs kid... She would kill me if he got really hurt." His face inches from the bulls. The intensity of the mist increasing every second. "You want power? I'll show you the power of a dragon..." He pulled back his arm Azure Ice dragon fist!" And launched as many punches as he could at the bulls face, his ice becoming a more brilliant color of azure. Each blow was with all of his strength and because he was smaller compared to the bull now he was faster. He then let a roar out as he finished with an uppercut. Bull continued to try and pull his arm back, the ground under Orin now un-denting itself due to the chains keeping him in place. "What are these chains made of?! Fine I will just finish you with a powerful punch!" Pulling back her other arm she wound up to finish Orin off, that was until Hector leaped in front of Orin and the sheer chill and power emanating from him stopped Bull in his place, shocked that he was able to be that nimble for his size, not to mention fearless. Before her there formed a dragon within the mist as Hector called out his attack and he could only reaction fast enough to attempt to bring up his free arm to block the first block, but with the many more coming she was unable todo anything and they all slammed into his face! When the final attack hit its mark it sent the giant off his feet, the chains around his wrists coming loose and allowing her to fall into the ice wall behind her, shattering it with sheer weight and sending shards of azure and sky blue shards falling all around her. In the middle the kid transformed back to her normal size, a smile across her bruised face. "So... Powerful. Heh" With that he landed on top of the flat side of his axe on the floor, out cold and conceding the battle to the dragon and chainman. - Elliot would notice something was off as the ice had crawled all the way up the old man, freezing him in place of mid regeneration from the flames that had slammed into him before, the holes in his body causing him to crumble and ... Die?!?! Orin looked on shocked at this "You killed him?! I thought we were just meant to be beating these guys up. What did you do Elliot?" Oddly he was looking to Hector, seems like he was unable to speak normally to girls still... "Heh" Bull lifted his head from the floor a little "You didn't kill the old man. That was one of his doubles he made out of that gooy stuff. The real deal is much more powerful. Him and the depressing guy make up the fangs of the serpent. So watch out. Oh and here." She lifted up a key, likely to the one to the door towards the guild masters room. "You beat me, so you get it right? Heh..." --- Right Hallway Meanwhile things were not going as expected, as the mummy man looked towards his left. "Ah, it seems that they have already made it through. We will have to meet up later" HE said backing away, bowing as if he was very, very sorry he had to leave towards the guild masters room... However the fool forgot to lock the door so Measha could just walk right on in, even more so since it seemed the old man had melted away for some reason! Things were going to get complex before they got better.