 What I meant was I'd seen your post about starting to work on your CS, and didn't realize you'd posted again with the CS. It just shows that you have the newest post on the thread, and I thought it was still the same post you'd made earlier. Double post = back to back post, I didn't mean two of the same. As I said before, I like what I see! :) Unless I'm mistaken (which I don't think I am) Lia is the first proper Elf in Twisted's history. I like Tolkien's take on Elves, and I'm glad to see someone playing an OC individual from a canonical race. Furthermore, you've given yourself a very natural opening to get on Buck's good side. I suspect Bernadette will like her also: the physical appearance will likely put her in mind of a Land-Dwelling Angkrillian. You've got a nice balance on the illness: she's distinctly sick but not unplayable. Her three personalities seem to sort of balance one another out: she'll be able to have crazy withdrawn time solid interaction time. I'm impressed and interested! [/quote]

Glad you like her thus far. I took a quick trip to New Orleans for the weekend, so I'll start working on Lia's history tonight. Should be done in just a bit.