She shook her head and turned away, "Must have been a trick of the light..." This confused him, she never had a trick of the light before. At least what told him. She took Rayn's hand and started to walk away when he heard the man call her name. "Nyima? Is that you?! " At the sound he felt her hand squeezed his tightly as he saw tears fell from her eyes, "Ignore him," she said quietly as she kept moving forward, not looking back. "What?" He said, bewilderd at what he heard her say despite Zhou calling her name. Nyima was not a common name. And she was obviously was hurting right now. "Nyima... Wait what are you doing?" She continued to walk dragging him along and ignored him. Tears still falling down her cheeks. He narrowed his eyes and stopped. His strength stopped her in her tracks. At which he moved I front of her and looked her in the eye. Or tried to as she looked away. He placed both of his hands on her cheeks and said in a soft voice, "What are you thinking? Nyima... Your brother is right here... A situation YOU told me might never happen again. YOU told me how much you missed them, your brother especially. Now it's here and you are walking away? " he stood up straight." The old Nyima runs away. Not this one... Not my Nyima." He lifted her chin so he could look her directly I the eyes. "Did you here me? My Nyima is a strong beautiful individual who can make her own future... Even in hardship." He gave her an encouraging smile. "I'm right here... IF he tries to take you back you know I will be here to help you right?" He then looked up towards Zhou over her shoulder and gave an ever so slight nod. --------------- He sensed Mizuki hurry to follow him and while she stayed close to him she asked. "Hey, wait up.. Do you know these guys? Who is Nyima? Who is that that's with her?" Zhou never told her about his little sister... He never told anyone save they knew her before. It was a hard subject for him. But here she was right here. With out taking his eyes off of her he said" Nyima is... My little sister." He paused for a moment and continued, "When she was 17 she ran from home on her wedding day.... We haven't heard anything from her since. My parents thought she was..." He stopped cold in his tracks, as he saw Nyima shake her head, grab ahold of the mans hand and turned and walked away. What was... She doing? Did she not hear him? He was about to call out her name again when he saw the man make her stop and talked to her in a low voice. What was he saying? Was he controlling her? He started to get angry but as soon as he did the man looked up and gave a nod ever so slightly. He nodded himself and started walkin again. He was greatful to the man... He was creating a moment for him to see his sister. He slowly came up next to her he saw her tears and started to tear up himself. "Nyima... " was all he could muster up beforepullin her into a massive hug.