It seemed that most, if not all, of the people present in that room labelled him as mentally unstable or any synonym thereof. Hitoshi did not blame them; an unstable colleague in this line of business would prove disadvantageous in a tight situation when facing a Gastraea. Hitoshi assured, "I may have suffered from my loss, but that does not make me in any way a weaker man. If I had my armaments with me right now, I would gladly have a melee with you, Mr. Bodyguard." Hitoshi gestured to Marius. He had confidence in his years of battle experience that he would not lose. Swordfighting wasn't something he just picked up, after all. "But I would prefer if such violent acts be restricted onto the battlefield, don't you think?" Hitoshi noticed the cat ears and tail, and assumed that the Initiator wanted to put them on herself. "Well, alright. Things have gotten a little tense here, so let's lighten the mood, shall we?" Saying that, he plucked the ears out of the Initiator's hand and pasted it firmly on her head. He took the tail for himself and stuck it on his pants. "I appreciate it, girl," Hitoshi said with a smile.