[hider=CS] [B]Human:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Axel Ainsley [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3122000/3122480_1357436047962.65res_300_300.jpg[/IMG] He stands at 1.85 m and weighs 71.3 kg. His build is somewhat slender, and, while he seems to be a little muscular it is mostly just his bones surfacing. [B]Attire:[/B] He usually wears hoodies of many colors, but his favourite is a blue hoodie that has its zipper broken and also seems to be very worn out, but he wears it all the same. Accompanied by that, he also wears whatever casual clothing he can find in his room, usually this being jeans and a t-shirt with a fun caption. He also uses a pair of glasses with a rather simple black design. [B]Arcana:[/B] Hermit [B]Weapon:[/B] Double edged spear. A large, pitch black, spear with two edges, sometimes he likes to swing it around, being sort of a show-off. What would be the front of it has a somewhat large blade, while in the other side there’s only a rather little blade. He mostly attacks with it as a long range weapon, due to his poor physical condition. [B]Personality:[/B] He is sly and sarcastic, as well as a smart-ass. He is someone who gets easily on your nerves and knows exactly what buttons to push to make you angry, however, in most of the cases, he isn’t doing it to annoy you or to bully you, that’s just how he is and has a little of trouble clearing up misunderstandings, which may be caused due to his sarcasm. He is also someone very realistic and a down to earth person, not beating around the bush to say something. What he truly enjoys, however, is correcting others, which also gets on the nerves of most people, but he has a little trauma with people speaking correctly and cannot forgive anyone who speaks with wrong grammaticism or writes with bad orthography. He is also extremely lazy and carefree, not paying attention to anything unless it really interests him. And while he can be quite an asshole, he is also surprisingly shy, unable to talk with someone he just met normally and even less if said person is a girl. He often lets out his real personality after he gets to know the other party well enough, but while that doesn't happen, he is mostly someone quiet who barely speaks, and when he does, he does it in an extremely polite way, even his emotions are devoid from his face when he is getting to know someone. But, when he becomes someone’s friend, he’ll change from being polite to being someone who often spouts out whatever comes to mind, whether it can hurt the other party or not, matters not to him, as well as becoming an open book, every emotion showing clearly on his face. But don’t get him wrong, he holds in high esteem all of his friends, and will often help them however he can, even if it means sacrificing himself to do so. His hobbies are listening to music and reading books, also, he loves to play videogames and spends most of his weekends playing in his house. He can also use any kind of technology almost as an expert could. He is very intelligent, but has a poor physical condition, getting tired rather easily. [B]Backstory:[/B] What can be said about his life? Not much really. He grew up with his mother and father in a normal household. Their parents were just wealthy enough to be able to indulge him with many of his whims, one of them being a videogame console, so he grew up having such things being handed to him as long as he maintained his high grades on school, which proved to be rather easy, except for P.E. Through all of his life he has never regretted a thing, just the fact of being so shy that he isn’t able to confess his feelings for any of the girls he has had a crush on. He just recently became a college freshman, taking a major in Engineering. [B]Theme Song:[/B] [youtube]lC3f2wycBYo[/youtube] --- [B]Persona:[/B] [B]Persona Name:[/B] Dullahan [B]Persona Appearance:[/B] TBR [B]Persona Skills:[/B] Cleave, Skewer, Agi, . [B]Character Relevance:[/B] The Dullahan is a spirit which acts as the grim reaper, visiting people in their last hours, however, when doing this, it likes to remain unspotted, often bathing people who see it with blood or whipping them with the spinal cord of another human. While not in such extremes, Axel also feels uneasy with others, but when the time comes, he can also be quite hard on his ‘victims’, on this case, his friends, but he still doesn’t do it because he enjoys it, he does it because that’s just his nature.[/hider] --- CS here! ^.^