Here is my char not done yet (computer crash erased half) Shall be complete once i get home tomorrow >.< Human: Name: Eve Schults Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Attire: Eve prefers jeans a sweater and a jacket. Arcana: Chariot Weapon: Straight sword Personality: A stubborn, short tempered girl with a to the point mentality. Prefers to get things down and done quickly rather then to play around. Backstory: Mostly to be hinted at in the story. But in short daughter of a business man. Mother no longer alive. Not very spoiled. Been very active with sports and studies. (i for the life of me couldn't get a good idea how to write her back story. but very normal to say the least.) Theme Song: Any one has any suggestions would be nice to have an song ^^; Persona: Persona Name: Anahita Persona Appearance: [img][/img] Persona Skills: Bufu, Cleave, and Power Charge. Character Relevance: anahita is the extension of Eve's warrior mentality a fierce almost jealous guardian of her own ideals and principles