Mizuki's steps slowed, her jaw dropping at the scene before her. His sister? Zhou had a sister? She frowned a bit. She thought she had known of everyone in the tribe.. 'Noki made sure of it, but what confused her most was why the girl was never mentioned. Her eyes settled over Nyima and felt a pang of empathy for the girl. She was crying, clearly whatever memories she was experiencing from seeing Zhou cost her a great deal of emotions. Her eyes moved to Rayn then to Zhou slowly. Even he was tearing up a bit. It was so unusual for her to see that. She quietly walked up behind him and stood with her arms in pockets near her hips on the dress she wore. A shift in the wind whipped her hair around a bit but she shrugged it off. Clearing her throat a bit she glanced to the siblings in arms, not wanting to disturb them. "Zhou, you never told me that you had a sister before.. Did I know of her?" She offered a gentle smile in way of a greeting. She glanced to Rayn, trying to figure out who he was to Nyima... Perhaps a brother? No, he looked too friendly for that...