He paused a moment as their embrace caused his brain to slow and his heart to beat erratically in his chest. The sensation that ran through his nerves and his spine was indescribable as her sweet scent had begun to fill his nostrils, as he now began to breathe slowly through his nose, and the soft caress of her lips was still resonating on his own. He shifted his left hand from her chin and lifted it slightly to cup her left cheek. His eyes grew ever more lovingly as the realization of the experience settled into his mind. He leaned in again and softly pressed his forehead to her while continuing to cup her cheek. "I.." He paused unsure of whether or not what was happening was real, but he continued on with his words. "I think, I love you." He said in a whispering, yet caring, deep tone. His right hand released her left hand and slid down her shin and then back up again in a slow-paced series of caressing rubs while eyes seemed to lower to the ground, uncertain of her own reaction. Her eyes softened as she continued to lean into his warm embrace her lips tingling slightly from the kiss that seemed to linger, not that she minded; she wanted it to last forever. As his forehead pressed against her own his hand gently cupping her cheek. "I..." Nodding softly so as not to break the constant connection the two had she smiled shyly, "Yes..?" After a short pause he continued his words hitting her causing her heart to skip a beat and her eyes to widen in slight shock, I think, I love you." Love. It was something she wanted more than anything though she didn't have any idea of what it even was, "I-.. I don't know what love feels like... But if its the fear of leaving your side, my heart feeling as though its going to beat right through my chest, my stomach feeling as though its in knots because I'm talking to you and your noticing me... If love is any of those things. Then I think I love you too..." "I-.. I don't know what love feels like... But if its the fear of leaving your side, my heart feeling as though its going to beat right through my chest, my stomach feeling as though its in knots because I'm talking to you and your noticing me... If love is any of those things. Then I think I love you too..." Her words hit his ears in a sweet melody, her voice was alluring to him, a call he could not refuse. He listened to each letter with a great focus. When her words ended his his heart began with a heavy thumping, it was no faster then before, but it pounded like an engine piston pumping the blood through his body with a great force so that he may carry out his life's goal. "Rhea, I can't help but stare into your eyes, like brilliant stars calling my eyes to the sky, I must look upon them with wonder..." He couldn't find anymore words, and deep in his mind he felt like he had recited cheesy poetry, but he didn't care, he let his actions speak for him most of the time, and this time was no different. He slid his hand from her cheek down to her right shoulder and applied a slight force to it guiding her down onto her back and he leaned up over her from her left side and locked their lips once more into a kiss, this time a deep, passionate kiss. His left hand slid up to her neck and is right hand caressed up the side of her left leg to her waist and it laid down on her hip warmly. "Rhea, I can't help but stare into your eyes, like brilliant stars calling my eyes to the sky, I must look upon them with wonder..." She couldn't help but let a soft giggle escape her lips as the cheesy but incredibly sweet bit of poetry left his lips, his voice bubbling up emotions inside of her that she had never felt before; causing her to want to melt into his arms staying in his warm, safe embrace for the rest of her life. Feeling a soft push against her shoulder she gave in to him her body gently falling back once more into the grass that felt so cooling against her flushed skin, her eyes following his movements as he leant over her keeping her all to himself his lips once more pressing lovingly against her own. Her eyes fluttered closed as she kissed him back longingly the pressure building from either side making the kiss slightly more faced paced and passionate than it had been before. She whimpered softly against his lips her hands sliding up his chest and over his shoulders before she hooked her arms around his neck pulling him closer against her body, she had no clue of what she was doing, she had only just met him and now the two were in love; her body and instincts seemed to know exactly what they wanted and her mind seemed to just go with the flow drowning out all background noises that weren't him.