Soooo I finished a character for this. [b]v2:[/b] He's no longer Japanese(?) and his Persona is now based on an actual mythological(??) figure. (Also Bres was a character's persona in P1, but let's ignore that since my version is different. I swear I didn't know until after I made this) [hider=Kenneth Sharp][center][img=] [i]the Arrogant Outcast,[/i][b] KENNETH SHARP[/b] --- [b]XVI: the Tower[/b] [img=] [i]The Tower symbolizes demise, sudden change, and revelation. The Upright Tower represents an experience which uproots one’s false comfort and beliefs, which is a necessary yet painful change. Reversed, the Tower represents the lack, denial, and delay of this necessary change.[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] 5’10”/176cm and 146 lbs/66kg, medium build, brown eyes, and dark black hair. Ken is rather slim, yet still has muscle. [b]Attire:[/b] Ken typically wears light colored clothes. He prefers jeans over anything else. Additionally, Ken thinks jackets are the coolest, so he almost always wears them if the weather isn’t too hot. His favorite outfit is a light grey shirt, faded boot-cut jeans, red-and-white runners, a leather jacket with a popped collar and rolled-up sleeves, and a squared wristwatch. [b]Personality:[/b] Cautious, extroverted, and realistic, Shuya tries too hard sometimes, and is rather oblivious to others feelings. He tends to think too much of himself but at the same time acts overly aware of other’s thoughts and feelings. Both at once cause great conflict with himself which generally leaves him awkwardly crossed at the end of a conversation. [b]Backstory:[/b] Ken is a third-year foreign exchange student program, swapping places with another teen from France at a very young age. He’s fluent in both French and English, although he's better at speaking and writing in French. While a likable person, he never has been more than that. He’s not likable enough to be a friend unless he actively attempts to seek out friendship, which he rarely has done. While on his last class-decided trip to London, England, Ken was one of the multiple teens and adults unfortunately affected by P3 Syndrome. [b]Weapon:[/b] Ken wields a two-handed long sword, although he lacks prior practice in using it and tends to also throw in some kicks and punches into his attacks. The look and origin of his sword is incredibly vague and generic. --- [b]Persona Name:[/b] Bres Bres is an unpopular king in Irish mythology, who took the throne after the former king Nauda lost his hand in a battle and was then considered unworthy of the throne. He was later rejected from the throne after Nauda regained his hand. Bres went to his father for getting the throne, but he denied giving Bres help with getting something he did not deserve. Bres later led the Fomorians in a battle, but he lost and was then spared by Lugh in exchange that Bres would teach agriculture to the Tuatha De [b]Persona Appearance:[/b] [img=] [b]Persona Skills:[/b] Weak: Zio, Physical Resist: Bufu, Mudo [i]Bufu[/i] - Deals a small amount of Ice damage to one target [i]Garu[/i] - Deals a small amount of Wind damage to one target [i]Skewer[/i] – Deals a small amount of Pierce/Physical damage to one target [b]Character Relevance:[/b] Bres was an unpopular and treacherous person. While he was "beautiful" and seemed pleasant, he was harsh and inhospitable, which is how Ken basically views his personality. Additionally, after former king Nauda recovered his hand, Bres is exiled and Nauda regains the throne. Bres attempts to get back the throne with his father through ill-thought means, but his father disagrees and says that he will not help him keep through immoral ways that which he couldn't keep through just ways. This story is related to how Ken is given a harsh reality check and attempts to deny the facts of his true place.[/center][/hider]