Best of luck with your remaining exams Kimchi, Anon, and Phones (^w^)b you can do it guys! Good mornight, those were great posts! Haku is such a meanie xD and Jasper *w* [s]let us break that adorable cutie.[/s] PHONES, I HATE YOU. I wake up and one of the first things I see is chocolate ;A; ughh *tries to pull those pictures out of the screen* The chapter should end by early or mid June depending on how fast the cycles go :D! Like Kathi-chan said something special will happen on the mountain top though it won't necessarily be inside the cave. We're going to have one last time skip after this current event, don't worry, you won't be stuck in the cave for the remainder of the chapter. However, for now ^w^)/ we do have something planned so like Kathi-chan said, it'd be best if you all stayed inside the cave until the next time skip, which will take place tomorrow. Oh and wow I thought it was still the 28th. I'll be posting earlier tomorrow since I'll be gone from May 30th to June 1st. My mom's siblings are coming to visit and we're all going to stay at this lake place, I don't know if there'll be wifi. Have some music :D [youtube]SywgDfYoROE[/youtube]