Today went by as any other day. Axel was stuck to the TV the whole day, playing one of his favourite games, for, what? The fiftieth time? He had already lost count of it. He knew that the next day he'd have to wake up early to go to school, but he didn't really care, he would pull an all-nighter and finish it again, since he loved the game. However, his mother had other plans for him. Axel heard his mother shouting on the other side of the door leading to his dark room, the only light in it was that of his TV. [B]"Axel, you have school tomorrow! Leave that thing alone already, for god's sake!"[/B] His mom said to him, in an angry tone. [B]"Yeah, just lemme finish this level and I'll head to bed immediately."[/B] He grinned at the thought of it. Oh, how silly was his mom, to believe that an RPG had such things as 'levels', other than those of the characters. Then again, she had been dealing with Axel for a long time now. [B]"You won't fool me, Axel. You have 10 more minutes or I'll turn down the electricity."[/B] Funny thing, she wasn't joking. She'd seriously leave all the house without electricity if Axel didn't comply. He clicked his tongue and hurried into the menu to save his game. His fingers moved swiftly through the controller. [B]"Okay, gotcha. I am already saving my game. I'll turn the console off after it finishes saving."[/B] He announces and his mother replies with a simple 'yes' and then Axel hears her walk away. He lets out a sigh as the game finishes the saving progress and reluctantly turns it off. [B]"Ugh, it is a drag to wake up early in the morning."[/B] He lumps his body towards his bed, well, at least he'd get to sleep a good amount of time and not wake up tired for his first day of college. He lies on his bed, still dressed and wearing his favourite hoodie, thinking he'll be able to wake up and take a quick shower the next morning. Axel closes his eyes and prepares himself to go to that wonderland called the dream world. He never thought he'd end up in the actual Wonderland, though. He felt, well, there wasn't really a way to describe it, he just knew he felt strange and then, as if looking through the glass of a vitrine in some shop, he saw a landscape. Truly something wonderful and pleasant to the eye, he thought. His dreams had never been this vivid before, so he felt quite privileged to be experiencing such a thing. Though, the believe that it was all a dream was disturbed by the fact that he was pulled into the glass-like visage and then fell down. Even if it didn't feel at all unpleasant, something was definitely odd. As he fell down, everything looked as if he was in the actual Wonderland of the story. When he landed, he tried to get acquainted with his surroundings, moving his head in all directions to make a little map inside his head, though to really accomplish something like that he'd have to explore his surroundings. There were others with him, but he didn't paid them much heed. Rather, Axel was more intrigued by the walking rabbit. The probability of all of this being a dream was decreasing exponentially with time. So, he stood up and walked to where the rabbit was, other girl did the same but flinched back as soon as it talked. Well, even through his realism, it was obvious this wasn't normal at all, dream or not, he should at least try and get some info out of the rabbit. He felt oddly at ease with the fluffy talking rabbit, so he didn't act shy around it. Maybe it was because it seemed more as something fictional than something real. Axel poked the rabbit's head, as if to confirm it was real. [B]"So, White Rabbit, today ya aren't late for anything? In the books you seemed a lot more lively than this."[/B] He said in a monotone voice. [B]"And, I'm figuring we're here to do something. What is it? Beat the Red Queen? Slay the Bander-whateveryacallit?"[/B] He really didn't seem interesting, but hey, it seemed better than sit and do nothing.